Priest's epic/mythical Bug?

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Jorun, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. Jorun New Member

    Not sure when the change occurred, but all priest epic weapons now only do crushing damage on FG. Is this intentional or a bug? I noticed this about a week ago but could have been like that a while. I checked my warden with 2.0 on live and the change did not happen there. I wrote or submitted this question to DBG and they replied to post here in the forum as well as submit another bug report.
  2. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    Is your toon a Geomancer?
  3. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    TLE, no Ascensions :)
    Rosyposy likes this.
  4. Jorun New Member

    I checked several other types of healers we all do crushing. No piercing, or slashing on anyone as they used to be. Even EQ2wire lists our weapons as crushing so it is not just a bug for me alone. The person who replied to me said they found nothing in update notes about a change but who knows how long ago it changed. When they itemized several weeks ago maybe?