Previous expac house items

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Perrigrin, Sep 24, 2020.

  1. Perrigrin Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know if it is still possible to purchase previous expansions to get the housing recipies?
    I'm kicking myself for not having bought the one with the deepwater stuff ><. i do have several friends who can make them, but seeing as how they have to be commissioned I don't like to be a bother. I looked where it says "shop" but only the most recent one is showing.
    Breanna and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  2. Dude Well-Known Member

    It is not currently possible.
    Breanna and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Nope. :(

    It's one of the things that's frustrating the hell out of us, and one of the things we're requesting most vociferously of the prior expacs. Hell, they've even put old houses up for sale in the Marketplace and on the Loyalty Merchants (if you're a Member, iirc), but not the bloody prior recipe books. X-P

    My vote? Have them put out two versions of the latest/greatest expacs: one for crafters/decorators, one for adventurers. I know there's some overlap, but not a lot; what with folks' financial situations these days, they could even split it up into Ala Carte, like with that "expansion" of AoD that was nothing more than a bunch of new secondary skills and other things, like Mercs. It's possible there might be folks out there willing to pay $15 for a Prestige House, $15 for a new mount, $15 for an exclusive (No-Trade, No-This, No-That, Members-Only, whatever-it-takes) recipe book, $15 for a Tradeskill Max Level Token, $15 for a new Merchant Sales Crate, and $15 for whatever else. Or the current $35 for the Token, and lesser prices for the Crate, mount, and/or recipes. Something. >:-/

    And if it's been more than the traditional two-years-'til-free-content (/pause for laughter) since it's been released, why NOT make the expac recipes and houses available to us, and make some extra cash that way?? How many new players (/pause for laughter) had heard about the cool stuff in this game, seen what we've got, and wanted to play to get that, only to be denied 'cause their toons were born too late? :-/

    Trust me, o devs, what with all the good Testing folk paying good money for the privilege of Beta testing, and the impatient folks on other servers who just HAVE to have the latest/greatest/most bestest thing ever the instant it comes out the doors, you would NOT be losing any money by doing so, 'cause all that sort would've snapped up those expacs the minute they became available. The rest of us have to either kick ourselves for not having done so (and not gotten all the rest of that expac that came with it, hel-LO; at least this way, you'd get some money off of the old expacs still), or having been "born" too late. :-/

    Breanna likes this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Which gives me a spasm of hope that it might be in the future. :)

    Breanna likes this.