Power drain in Sleeper's Tomb

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-denmom, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ulrichvon Guest

    Pheep@Unrest wrote:
    Yeah, I'm at a loss.
    I raid with different raid forces and both have killed this mob without seeing any big drain or fail conditoin outside of not killing the banshees or not getting the phantasm dead before the next one spawns.
    Does it have a challenge mode version by pulling it out of the room like in the heroic instance?
    I'm just grasping at straws at this point.
  2. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Ulrichvon wrote:
    We take her where she stands. The raid is away from the named and deals with the adds, ranging her when they're down.
    Oh, no worries, thank you, and everyone, for helping in this. I appreciate it greatly.
  3. ARCHIVED-Ulrichvon Guest

    Pheep@Unrest wrote:
    No worries Pheep, you're good peeps.
    I just know we killed this one night with only two chanters a coercer and a illy, and the power drain wasn't something anyone really commented on. Maybe its the number of mystics we have, maybe its proc gear, maybe its how fast we killed it, can't really say exactly.
    Good luck!
  4. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    YES! We just killed it! /falls over thud
    2 Mystics with Spirit Tap, Illy, 2 Troubs feeding, and my Coercer...omg.
    We wiped about three times but we did it.
    There is a huge power drain detriment that hits the raid right off the bat when engaged. It sits there and dots. There's another from Ghastly Vapor, and another from the Rage one. So a huge power drain if things aren't cured etc.
    Thank you all for the help!
  5. ARCHIVED-Chronus1 Guest

    If things aren't cured being the crucial phrase there, things should always be cured.
  6. ARCHIVED-Tylia Guest

    Pheep@Unrest wrote:
    Grats to you and your guild Pheep! There is just nothing like the feeling of finally killing a mob that you have been working on for a while. :D
  7. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Chronus1 wrote:
    Oh definitely what we do.
    The only thing that can't be cured is this perm detriment she puts on, Planar something, that makes you lose power with every hit...or attack...something like that. I was too busy with power and killing the arcane and such to really read it. So this in combination with the curables is a PITA for power.
  8. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Tylia and Ulrich, thank you!
    Yah, I really am not looking forward to killing her again. But at least we now know how to wrangle power etc.
  9. ARCHIVED-Ulrichvon Guest

    I ran it in a pug raid this weekend and now i see what you're talking about.
    The two regular raid-forces I'm in were all pre-curing the ae effect and often times even the first tick was missed. But in the pug, cures were slow and tick tick tick away.
    So much of raiding is about healer's ability to pre-cure, it sometimes surprises me to be in raids where it doesnt happen.
    Here is a link to simply the most important raid healer training tool:

  10. ARCHIVED-CrypticEnigma Guest

    OP power drains as usual is the devs favorite...granted it can be mitigated pretty well with coordinated pre-cures...but if a healer is off his internal cure clock by a little bit whamo.
  11. ARCHIVED-ElectricPotato Guest

    Ingolfa thows up "Pall of Rage" iirc 384% power usage increase, 850% of power used taken as health damage.
    Uncurable, constant, and the same debuff icon as the crit bene debuff.