Poll Results

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Kraetec, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. Kraetec Active Member

    As a TLE player (returning player from EQ2 launch), the results of upcoming polls is going to be a major factor in my game experience. Therefore, I would like to suggest that Daybreak consider posting the results of polls with actual percentages. I'm thinking this could be something as nice as a webpage with graphics/charts, or even just a posting here on the forums.

    Now, for those that might be thinking "why do the actual numbers/percentages matter? As long as we know the winning answer for each poll question, then that's good enough." Well, at least speaking for myself, the numbers will matter because it will give me an idea if the rest of the server is thinking more along the same lines as me, or if the majority of the players have a different idea about what the future should hold for the TLE. For example, my plans for playing on the TLE might be different if a vote for something I really wanted was 45/55 instead of 20/80 ...get what I'm saying?

  2. Ursa Minor Well-Known Member

    So, basically, you want to know if a vote that didn't go the way you'd like was a squeaker or landslide. That way, if it was a vast majority against your liking, you can quit. Of course, it was to your liking, you'll continue playing.

    Where's the upside for DBG in this? It's heads you win, tails they lose.
  3. Kraetec Active Member

    The upside is that they don't take the chance that I (or any player) will simply guess whether it was a landslide or a close vote. After a few votes in which the majority votes against a particular player's choice, they may simply assume it's never going to happen.

    Another upside is that it would be a cool feature to see the results of polls, and it might inspire more people to do polls (both on the TLE servers as well as the traditional servers.)

    Finally, it would be granting a reasonable (and easy) request by a paying customer.
  4. Almost Member

    So you want DBG to show the results so you can either a) take your toys and stomp off in a tantrum, or b) pat yourself on the back for being part of the "winning" vote.

    Okay, I get it...
  5. Ursa Minor Well-Known Member

    They'll do what they want, but to my mind it makes more business sense to let you guess. Like you said, too many majority polls against a favorite want, and people
    And what will the disappointed players do then?

    On the other hand, if you get to guess, it's going to roughly 50/50, biased by each player's point on the cynic <-> optimist line.
  6. Kraetec Active Member

    One could argue that any type of polling always has positive and/or negative effects; however, it doesn't change the fact that most all poll results are published (and, even those that are not, typically will provide poll results to participants.)

    Anyway, my request is a reasonable one and worth considering. I believe that a well-informed player base is good for the company as well as the players. I absolutely do not expect the votes to go my way, and most likely won't change my goals one way or another (and, certainly wouldn't throw a "tantrum"..lol) ; but, I would like to know the overall opinion of my fellow players and what one can reasonably expect in the future.

    As a footnote, I would state that I'd be happy with approximate percentages or even adjectives (e.g., "the vote was strongly in favor..." or "the vote was overwhelmingly in favor...", etc.)
  7. Veems Member

    To be honest I don't see an up or down side to this.

    So long as it shows the result and not current state, I wouldn't see how it could effect and/or cause biased results.

    Reguardless of if it was a win or lose by a smig or a land slide the winner/loser will still be happy or upset by the outcome.
  8. Maldaris Active Member

    I can actually see an upside to publishing the numbers. Let's take Kingdom of Sky as the unlocking subject.

    If I am, for example, opposed to unlocking, and the unlock vote is 65% or more in favor, chances are good that people may press for further unlocks without considering the consequences - but this gives me an idea of how to present my argument against unlocking the next expansion, and why it would be a good idea for the server to remain right where it's at for a few more, uh, months...years...

    If it's a squeaker, it gives me that much more incentive to present my case, on the forums and elsewhere, to anyone who will listen, and step up every effort to put a halt to the introduction of the next expansion.

    I'm not going to pack up my toys and go home if I fail, but I will continually (and I'll call it what it is) harp on the need to put the brakes on and take in the scenery, rather than hurtle towards a live-server oblivion. Too many expansion releases, and the TLE servers will be...well...just another couple of servers.
  9. Kraetec Active Member

    Maldaris' thoughts mirror my own. His example and other statements are exactly why I made the suggestion.