Please help: What 41-50 spells should I upgrade?

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-hoosierdaddy, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-hoosierdaddy Guest

    I have 3 rubies and already have Devastation Adept 3. Seeing our level 50 training options, I'm fully committed to training Nil Absolution at 50 and Nul Distortion at 60. I'm definitely making a Dark Nebula Adept 3 out of one of the rubies, leaving me with 2. So my questions are:

    1. Now that it's been fixed, Deter seems to have it's benefits, but is it worth upgrading to Adept 3?

    2. What about Soul Flay? I haven't seen any screens of the new version, but am imagining that logically it's got to be better than HVB. Will it share the same re-use timer as Soul Bllister?

    3. The DoT on Torment of Shadows looks pretty sweet in its new incarnation. Would it be worth considering upgrading?

    4. What about Netheros? Since I'm training Nil Absolution at 50, should I consider upgrading this formerly worthless spell, now that it's said to serve a practical purpose?

    5. What about Aura of Emptiness? It's promised effects sound cool, but, in terms of dps, how much of a difference will it really make between an Adept 1 or 3? And, is that slight difference worth wasting a ruby?

    6. Vulian Interference sounds like it will be valuable, but what would theere be a significant difference between an Adept 1 and an Adept 3?

    Any and all input is appreciated :smileyhappy:. I know some of you will say to wait for the actual expansion, but I'd like to be ready to go on the day of release and with a good sense of with what I'll be rolling, in terms of hotbars. Oh yeah, one more thing, am I understanding correctly that Dark Distortion/BSS and Nil Distortion will share re-use timers?

    Thanks in advance,
    Message Edited by hoosierdaddy on 08-28-2005 06:51 PM
    Message Edited by hoosierdaddy on 08-28-2005 06:53 PM
    Message Edited by hoosierdaddy on 08-29-2005 03:38 PM
    Message Edited by hoosierdaddy on 08-29-2005 03:39 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-Lamprey_02 Guest

    Save your rubies till after the nerf, spells may still change. And reduce your font.
  3. ARCHIVED-Magiocracy Guest

    I'll second both sentiments :smileywink: