Please have someone fix the forums

Discussion in 'Forum Help and Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Juravael, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    I am still getting the 404 error and having to refresh every time that I log in to actually get logged in. On a positive note ... over the last two days it seems like the forums are working much better than before. Quick load times for pages. I do not know if anything was done or tweaked on SOE's side but I have not made any changes to my system.
  2. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    Interesting... I have not been logged out of the forums all day long. Maybe this was changed back?
  3. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    The forums have been slow the last couple of days but they have been especially bad today. Long load times, 404 errors, unable to log in and just slow overall. I've tried to access them on my PC and on my laptop via wifi and it's been the same on both machines.
  4. ARCHIVED-Onuron Guest

    For the love of all that is wonderful, why do i need to put in my acct and pw and hit login a dozen times, before i finally refresh page and find im already logged in? Fix the forum log in issues please. :(
  5. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    SOE's public-facing architectures seem to be crumbling before our very eyes.
    They did fix the Dev Tracker though. ;)
  6. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

  7. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    Why when I go to sign into these forums over the last few days it instead sends me to the following SOE website :
    This has happened about 5 or 6 times last week and happened this morning just now when I tried to log into the forums.
  8. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    Forums have been very sluggish and sometimes non-responsive over the last few days.
    I have been logged out of the forums a few times when clicking on a thread topic to read as well as getting internal error messages when clicking on the dev and soe post trackers.
  9. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    Slower than heck tonight. 5 minutes just to get to this thread.
  10. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    Glenedhel@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    This happened to me again once tonight as well.
  11. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    An internal error occurred when performing the search. Please try again later.
    Getting this message when trying to follow the SOE and Dev post trackers.
  12. ARCHIVED-Maergoth Guest

    This is ridiculous. I can't even communicate feedback because my whole day is taken up by page load errors.
  13. ARCHIVED-Juggercap Guest

    How long do we have to wait for these new forums. 5 minutes to load a page, if it loads at all, is getting more than just a bit annoying. Fix yo isht.