Please Fix Illusionist Mana Feed Spells

Discussion in 'Illusionist' started by ARCHIVED-QQ-Fatman, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-QQ-Fatman Guest

    Level 84 Manatap V (Master): +83 power to the group / every 4sec
    Level 89 Extract Power VII (Master): +152 power to the caster / every 4sec

    Level 91 Robust Essence of Clarity (Handcrafted): +264 power to the caster / every 5sec
    Level 91 Robust Essence of Power (Handcrafted): +1319 power to the caster
    Level 92 Savant's Essence of Power (Mastercrafted): +1714 power to the caster

    *These spells and potions can crit for about x3 the amount (depends on your crit bonus.)

    Now illusionists can retire completely from feeding power I guess (we were already relying on coercer's help in drunder hm...) Non % based mana spells really need to be modified by potency and ability mod to be useful again!
  2. ARCHIVED-Ragnaphore Guest

    While I agree Illus could use some buffs for their manaregen, you're really talking about apples and oranges with your exemples.
    1. You can't really compare T9 spells with T10 potion. 2. Reuse on potion is more than twice illu's spells reuse. 3. All "manaregen" potions are on the same timer.
  3. ARCHIVED-Trinral Guest

    Ragnaphore wrote:
    It still illustrates that while total power pools have exploded upwards, the illusionists ability to regenerate power, has not gone up at a rate to match. And now, new items come in that make an illusionists abilities look rather meager.

    It should be fixed.
  4. ARCHIVED-QQ-Fatman Guest

    Ragnaphore wrote:
    The problme is, players do not get t10 upgrade of these spells yet... and even if we do (maybe in the next game update?), unless SOE makes an exception of the scaling script like these potions got, or the new spells will probably be ~100 every 4sec at master rank... which is still way underpowered.
    Also a handcrafted items should never be more powerful (or I'd say should not even come close) to player abilities. It's like if a wizard's lvl 90 Ice Comet (Master) does 50k damage, and SOE suddenly adds a lvl 91 handcrafted potion that does 100k damage everyone can use...
  5. ARCHIVED-QQ-Fatman Guest

    Can a dev look into this issue?
    Mana regen also needs to be brought in line with player max mana pool now. Epiphany VI (Master) - level 83 - Increases In-Combat Power Regenaeration of group members (AE) by 63.2 = 632 mana per minute. All regen needs to have its cap removed (I believe it's still your level x 1.5 now?) and the amount x10 to be effective.
    Please fix non% mana feed, and mana regen!
  6. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    Even if mana pools have increased significantly, the vast majority of abilities that consume mana are static values, not percentage-based costs. This means that even though your maximum mana is greater, the actual amount of mana you consume during combat really shouldn't change much. Therefore, increasing mana regen abilities in proportion to new mana pools would quickly outpace actual usage of mana, making it far more powerful than intended.
    The exception to this would be MOB power drains that work on a percentage-based formula, or abilities like tradeskill arts that cost a certain percentage of your mana pool. However, I'd think it would be better to change those individual abilities rather than try and rebalance all the mana regen abilities available to players.
  7. ARCHIVED-Wraths Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    It's been about 4 expansions since abilities usage needed mana regen. It's the mobs power drains, which you already pointed out, is typically % based or an insane amount of mana drain. I do not follow your logic however with "be better to change those individual abilities rather than try and rebalance..." The only imbalance right now is Illusionist abilities. Coercers are fine, hell.. even Beastlords can have a higher power output. Beastlords aren't % based. It's bad when my beastlord can hit 2 abilities every 40 seconds that boost the groups power for more than the illy can. Fix the illy's abilities.
  8. ARCHIVED-Wraths Guest

    Just wanted to add in that I tested my Beastlord's power regen... With using on 2 abilities, I was about to put out 15k power to EACH group member every 40 seconds. And he isn't even full GU63 geared. When going 100% to power regen, I was able to put out a CRAZY 45K mana PER GROUP MEMBER (full mana bar for most classes) every minute. If I throw in a 5 minute cool down, it more than doubles that amount to make it almost 600k mana total. If you can look at those numbers and tell me that Illusionist are "where they should be" on mana regen, you have lost your mind.
  9. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    I am not sure that comparing Beastlords and Illusionists is really fair. The vast majority of the time, a Beastlord's role on a raid is DPS, which generally means Feral Stance, reducing their power regeneration capability to zero. Switching to Spiritual Stance is a significant DPS sacrifice, and focusing entirely on power regen advantages/primals further diminishes their DPS contribution both individually and for their groupmates. Illusionists sacrifice very little for their power regeneration, and also have other very useful buffs to offer, not to mention crowd control abilities (although those are rarely relevant on raids).
    I have not heard any reports of raid guilds replacing enchanters with Beastlords on their rosters, and unless this becomes prevalent, the comparison is invalid. You may indeed have a case that Illusionist mana regen abilities are in need of improvement, but comparing them to Beastlords probably isn't the best strategy.
  10. ARCHIVED-Wraths Guest

    If you start to see guilds go to to a "scout" group instead of a mage group, that is a possibilty. All assuming BL is in spiritual stance.

    1. Power regen
    Beastlord > Illy
    2. Survivabilty
    Beastlord > Illy (even buffs the group with it's power regen spells for damage reduction)
    3. DPS
    Beastlord > Illy (even in spiritual stance a BL is going to win this one)
    4. Group buffs
    ?>? This one is the toss up as their buffs are almost not comparable.
    Illusionist - 100% spell double attack for 4 seconds, 10% MA to the group, ~80 haste, 44% damage and dehate proc on spell hits, and a multi attack, AE auto attack, and Flurry buff to a single target. Not forget destructive rampage or PoM
    Beastlord - ~30% attack speed for 30 seconds every 40 (about 10 seconds without it), 20% weapon damage bonus to the group 10 seconds every 40, 20% armor mit OR 20% Multi attack both 30 seconds duration, 4% damage redution or a 30% reduced power cost to the group, both 12 seconds, 10% damage reduction and ~2k power (tooltip) for 8 seconds, and last but not least of the spiritual primals, a power regen I have had hit for 12k power on a training dummy... every 40 seconds... to the group. Passive abilities would be the 10% potency + 10% healing received that are basically always up.

    The problem is, the beastlord is much more versital than the illy and destroys the illusionist at what it should do best. If you take all those buffs I listed above and put them in the right casting order, you would have a group that for 8 seconds had 10 potency, 10 to healing receiver, 30 attack speed, 20 weapon damage bonus, 20 multi attack, 14% damage reduction, and a total of ~16k power to the group out of every 40 seconds. I still see the point of an illy ( I should hope so since I have one), but they are starting to get left behind.
  11. ARCHIVED-Rocky4686 Guest

    Bump. It's still rediculous that even with Skyshrine gear that you have to have either Beastlords in Spiritual Stance or extra Coercer's over Illusionists to compete with power feeding in hard mode Drunder. At the moment, Illies are power savers as opposed to feeders which doesn't help in the power drain fights currently in game.
  12. ARCHIVED-Chilly420 Guest

    Just keep our dps like it is. And I could care less about how well I feed power.