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Plane of War

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Daojo, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Daojo New Member

    Why increase the mob levels in the Plane of War? The gear is still level 90. Everything in the zone is red to a level 90, so the zone is not meant for any level 90. On top of that the level 90 gear is not adornable with the new adornments with CoE...
  2. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    So mobs still **** with your hit rates being orange con.

    Although it's amusing that the adds on berik/tagrin now spawn at multiple levels, ranging from mid 80s to 100. Tagrin is deleveling sometimes too.
    Estred likes this.
  3. slippery Well-Known Member

    I don't really understand either. It's really inconsistent. On the one hand they raise the level of the mobs because they want this gear to be relevant, but then they don't let us use new adorns on it. It doesn't really make sense
  4. Vinyard Active Member

    The EQ2 devs don't need to make sense. I can't wait until Drunder is made level 95, and Plane of War comes back in the next expansion
  5. Humakt Member

    Let's update the gear along with the mobs....
    Kraeref likes this.
  6. Estred Well-Known Member

    Consistency with SOE during the CoE expansion? Have you been smoking some whet soaked pot Slip? Sony has been anything but consistent all mechanics for Heroic content since TSO appear to be gone. The advent of an expansion having 9 new Heroic zones and 3 Raid providing a full set of new EM and HM gear is totally gone though arguably CoE = PoW now except with 10 less STR and .5 less CB and CoE HM > PoW (thank god).

    Sony already had a dev respond on that PoW thread that "No changes will be made to PoW" and it's sad. At least let PoW be 92 so new adorns can be used on it.
    Kraeref likes this.