Pet Max Health

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Tigress, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Tigress Guest

    If we share stats with our pet and my health is 40K, why is my pets health only 26K? My pet is getting killed by the AOEs in raid and I have to bring him back to life too much. I use bloodpact but it doesnt always prevent the deaths so maybe it is a direct hit. Can I do anything to increase my pet's health? If not, will the EQ2 team consider making the pets' health match the summoners?
  2. ARCHIVED-Noviets Guest

    This is an ongoing solution thats not going to be fixed in the way that you hoped. I too wish the HP would be matched, along with Crit Mit, and Mitigation. It's Incredibly unlikely this will happen.
    Spec for Reanimate, It's very helpful. If you cast it while Timewarp is active, you get 3 deathsaves, which is wicked. Theres a fairly massive recast on it though. Also, Try to keep your pet with you. As some healers and tanks will prevent group aoe's, and you'll want to have your pet in group-cure range.
    Having Tainted Heals is also a very nice way to heal your pet, As you will be keeping your debuffs in the mob anyways, and when you need another heal, hit your Absorb Magic spell. Its very quick casting, so it doesn't hinter too much.
    Blood Pact is also very handy. But as the drain is so large its a very situational buff. It has a fast cast, and recast speed, so this can be used on anticipated aoe's if you are having power issues.