Pestilence Shadowknight Spell Description

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Tomahawk, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. Tomahawk New Member

    I think there is a bug with the description of the effects for the spell "pestilence" for shadowknights. Specifically, the spell's description is, "pestilence deals disease damage overtime to a target. When that target dies, if pestilence was still active, it spreads to 2 nearby enemies..." However, the effects states, "Inflicts 200-300 disease damage on the CASTER" and "inflicts 100-200 disease damage on the CASTER every 2 seconds." "On death this spell will cast Pestilence Mark on target...."
    Should this say inflicts damage on the TARGET and not on the CASTER?
    Priority likes this.
  2. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    so that i can check this spell (whether it's working properly, and whether it works as intended) i need to raise my SK one more level. not sure if i can do this in near future. but i understand that this spell should inflict damage to target and at same time half from this damage to caster. it should be. however, you can find way to minimize this damage to caster (or eliminate it quite). there is interest in this. this is part of that attracts to this game: you don't get some offensive spells or useful buffs just like that, without negative consequences for your character, which you can compensate in some way. besides, harmful effect decreases as level of spell increases. thus you are even more motivated to acquire more powerful spell. if harmful effect didn't decrease, motivation would be less to use stronger version. it's perhaps that you will not see harmful effect on caster, due to insignificant impact of this effect (regeneration exceeds damage, certain property or equipped item prevents it, spell is weak so that damage is't noticeable). but i choose to answer here because i thought it would be nice to see in game when you hover mouse over effect icon, exact numerical value of your character's health/power in each specific millisecond, with an accuracy of thousandths after zero, and not just length of colored strip of interest
  3. Priority Well-Known Member

    The spell is cast on the target, if that target dies within the duration AND there is another enemy within range, (3m ish?), It spreads to that target and repeats. If it did damage to the caster, that would one shot players at max level with decent stats.

    I haven't read the description for current tier, but the above is how it's worked since it's inception.
  4. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    useful note! to feed mob this spell at end (i raised level and checked this spell, it works quite exactly as described, damage for SK is not perceptible, for mine anyhow), while their companiones are waiting for their portion of blows