Peaceful Link changed?

Discussion in 'Coercer' started by ARCHIVED-Hateeternal, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Hateeternal Guest

    Hi all just a short question, did they change Peaceful Link in a way?
    When I was on my Coercer the last time it showed only 1% chance to trigger the -1 hate position on hit.
    Didn't it use to be like 57% chance or so??
    Thanks for any information. ;)
  2. ARCHIVED-Hateeternal Guest

    Any ideas if they changed it or if it's just a UI bug or something?
    Is it also changed to(or displaying as) 1% chance on US servers?
    Appreciate any hints... ;)
  3. ARCHIVED-ThyMajesty Guest

    from what i know its just a display bug
    im not sure, as this has happened already in the past but then got fixed
    was something similar to the display bug illys had on their synergism
    id /bugreport it
  4. ARCHIVED-Hateeternal Guest

    Oh ok, that is what i hoped...
    Thank you very much. :)