Palace x4 - Sages

Discussion in 'General Scout Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Sydares, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Sydares Guest

    I hate you for this, guys. I didn't roll a DPS class to sit around and pick my nose and throw potions at people.
  2. ARCHIVED--=Hoss=- Guest

    Which sages? Either you're doing a fight I haven't gotten to yet, or you're doing it way different than we do.
  3. ARCHIVED-glowsinthedark Guest

    assume he means the 3 sages that have the uncurable except by the flashpot noxius that if you don't cure it fast enough results in a spreading curse that does such lovely things as clear and force target or continual interrupt.
  4. ARCHIVED-Raznor269 Guest

    It's a little annoying but it's not like statue clicking or shiney gathering in VP. Those were mind numbingly annoying raid functions.
