Oww!! Me head!

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Cronyn, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-LaRoseMajia Guest

    Kiara wrote:
    Awwwwwwwwwww. *tacklehugs* I'm not mad at anyone. I'm just grumpy.
  2. ARCHIVED-PsiaMeese Guest

    When the Lovers Look clue was brought into this thread and into the Befallen.Lore channel, I surmised that the distant shard was what we were expected to see. I had swam out many times to that shard over the months. I knew it couldn't be reached. So it occured to me that the tear might be under water. Or along a line from Lovers Look toward the shard. I just didn't know, exactly, where. I had the right idea when I was swimming along the coasts of the isles. But was not as fast as others. The coordinates came to me via Befallen.Lore once the tear was discovered.
    I would have found it, on my own, eventually. I had fun either way.
  3. ARCHIVED-Kamimura Guest

    Cronyn wrote:
    Actually, people did mention that shard, and the area around it was searched. Just not that particular area.. Most were looking in the water, or along other parts of the shore. A lot of people did discount it in favor of other shards because you can't actually get to it, but some did search.

    I have to admit, I had no idea that was a part of Luclin though. I enjoy reading about lore, but this isn't something I'd heard before. I'd always just assumed it was another island like the ones we can play on. The shard doesn't really look like the others I have seen, and it doesn't seem to have caused a lot of damage in the area compaired to others.. People brought that up though, and I was wondering where they'd heard that from.. (a few mentioned undead from beta, but I wasn't able to participate in beta this time around.) Hopefully we get to see more on that, some day.
    (Edit: Okay, I waited around for night and now I can see some purple glowing on it, although it's a bit hard to make out at first.)
  4. ARCHIVED-rkid Guest

    Dear Cronyn,
    Thank you for the latest round of cryptic frustrations. It was extremely enjoyable to have a fighting chance to figure it out after all the glasses had been released 6 hours prior to me actually starting. This was a refreshing reminder of the rich tapestry that is EQ2. That there are stories behind bad guy x, location y, and "why me!" z. Of course this round of lore quests also has an added bonus, a new mysterious npc. I'm just as interested to learn who this brave and determined scholar is as I am in the lore this individual is supplying through research. I hope some day that his/her story will be told either on this forum or in game. Again, thank you for an excellent job and continue the good work.


    P.S. Next time make the haystack smaller.... Please!
  5. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Sorako@Crushbone wrote:
    they mention it in the game that it's a giant chunk of Luclin itself. Originally it was gonna be a level 20 group dungeon, but they didn't have enough time to do it. The NPCs still mention it though.
  6. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    Pheep@Unrest wrote:
    Just to note, the gnomes in Forest Ruins are mining Luclin fragments. Apparently a peice of Luclin crashed next to the ruins.
  7. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Just to point out, if they did any work on it before RoK launched someone probably has saved files for it sitting around. I'd love to see this re-tooled for release sometime about now next year. Somehow you'd expect a Luclin encounter to be something other than just training practice for hatchlings. While Luclin was a full 1-65 expansion for EQ1, here I'd expect it to be in the upper tiers.
    A lot of us that troll this forum knew it was a chunk of Luclin. Also it does look like one if you turn your setting up a lot. The part that really struck me is that there are no quests that relate to a shard of Luclin in TD, nor are there any discovery points. I didn't remember any Luclin shards anywhere in TD when I did quest through the area, and Luclin shards have a very distinctive Blue/Green/Purple sheen to them that is rather unmistakable.
    I really hope this shard wasn't added to game just for this. If it was, its very counter-Lore. It would of been much more appropriate for it to be already existing and then made active for this quest. That way people can remember instead of discover. From a Lore perspective, something that has always been there but never had any significants before is much perferable to suddenly finding something that was never there before.
  8. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Make it interesting, make it Kerra (slightly larger then average and male and female) and Quadraped Tiger Skeletons
  9. ARCHIVED-oafgirl Guest

    Okay -- in the interest of 'splaining a bit -- let's say that Luclin's disastrous breakup was not instantaneous, and that the bright minds resident there *tried* to control the fragmentation (in the hopes that perhaps it might be stopped some point before total destruction). Would they not try to remove unstable portions from the whole and transport them via the portal to a relatively open part of Norrath -- such as the open sea of Timorous Deep? After the Great Explosion, however, the remaining bits would land more violently on the mother planet.
    Just my two coppers....
  10. ARCHIVED-Silerua Guest

    Someone mentioned in the lore channel that Luclin was not made of pure luclinite, but that was merely ore on the moon, and that is why the luclinite mountain is hard for us to recognize (because it is part stone part luclinite)... Why do all the pieces that fell aside from the TD appear to be pure luclinite?
    And why is it that some people say that they can see the TD mountain very very easily, but others can barely make out anything against the greyish stone at High Quality? Someone's recommendation was to have max settings... I hope not! My computer can't handle max settings, and told me that he refuses to work overdrive just so I can stare at a mountain! Hehehe.
  11. ARCHIVED-Kamimura Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Do you have an idea of who speaks about it? I've been through TD a few times and don't remember anyone talking about it. I've been through a lot of Gorowyn, but that place is still a maze to me so I may have missed it if it is in there..
  12. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Sorako@Crushbone wrote:
    One of the newbie quest givers gives her backstory that she's been around since the Gorowyn sarnaks came to be 50 years ago, right around when the giant shard of Luclin fell to the ground.

    ...How anyone would be able to survive that tidal wave, or how there are even any islands left nearby given the size of the impact crator it would make is anyone's guess though..
  13. ARCHIVED-Kamimura Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Huh.. I'll have to go back through the quests again sometime with one of my alts and check it out. (Maybe I did see it one of the other times, and just didn't connect exactly what she meant..) It's an interesting story, but yeah, as I said I'm also surprised that anything there survived that kind of impact. Ah, it's Norrath, who knows. :p
  14. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    As for how the chunks of Luclin hit Norrath with only a localized damage, rather then an Extinction Event, I would hypothize that, the chunks of the core ejected, where in fact in inter-dimensional flux. With their mass spread out among multible dimensions, impact might have occured at more surviable levels. Possibly causing some of the damage to the localized pocket realms such as Fear, Love, Hate, Etc. Dimensional Flux might also account for some continental distortions.
  15. ARCHIVED-Lodrelhai Guest

    It's also entirely possible that the Luclin shards weren't extinction-level events because they didn't have enough velocity to be. These aren't chunks of meteors that have been ricochetting around the solar system for billions of years. They travelled an extremely small distance, by cosmic standards, from Luclin to Norrath. The impact craters around most other Luclin shards bear this out - figure that Meteor Crater in Arizona is 1,200 yards across, and estimated to have been created by a 50yd meteor. That's a crater 24x the size of the cause, and most of that cause evaporated either in-atmosphere or on impact. I don't think there's a single Luclin shard anywhere on Norrath with a ratio that big to it's impact crater.
    Would there still be devastating tsunamis from that big hunk beyond Gorowyn? Certainly - but we're probably looking more at something like the Indonesian tsunami of 2004, rather than the ocean-relocating waves estimated from the impact which (probably) killed off the dinosaurs.
    More on-topic, I can't believe I missed the adventure of working out the lore quest clues with everyone! That's it, I'm not going on any more family trips.
  16. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Lodrelhai wrote:
    Ever see Mobile Suit Gundam 0079? The first episode starts off with the Principality of Zeon dropping a space colony on Sydney, Australia. The resulting crator expanded inwards of Australia by about 50 miles. The colony itself was certainly larger than that shard of luclin, but it was located closer to earth than the moon is.
    That's the first thing that came to mind when I started up this train of thought.
  17. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Reguardless of any other Sci Fi sorces, it is fairly easy to see that the chunks of Luclin that hit Norrath did not leave a particularly large crater, nor had much of an impact on anything other than their very imediate surroundings.
    Look at Crater pond in Anotnica. If we were to believe that shards of Luclin should have the same impact as a meteor does on earth, then Qeynos would have been totally destroyed by its impact. Although it is a fairly small shard, the bit that we see is what did not break up in the atmosphere or on impact, and that remainder is several dozen (hundreds? thousands?) times larger than any piece left over from the above mentioned Arazona impact.
    We may not know the reasons, but it is clearly observable that the impacts from luclin did not have the force of a meteor.
  18. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Yeah but keep in mind that if Norrath were real, and was actually the same scale as Earth, then the piece we see in Crator pond would be the same size, but the pond itself would be much wider across, and Qeynos would be barely be visible on the horizon.
  19. ARCHIVED-ClowdX81 Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    It's Maaaaaaaaaaaaaagic!! Or Blame Tunare. Your pic.
    But, back on topic, I did feel that the luclin shard that needed to be found for this didn't look the part. I was expecting the typical black/greenish-blue glowing rock, instead there was this blue crystal? I'm confused, it just seems like the graphical choice for this was strange.
    Otherwise, Great lore quest! I personally enjoyed the journeying around Norrath part more than in the 1st one.
    Do we have a finalized list of the website locations of all the shards for the tablet? I'm curious as to where they all were found at.
  20. ARCHIVED-Silerua Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    What does anime have anything to do with EQ2?