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Ossuary: Choir of T'Vyl[Event Heroic]

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Jodiph, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. Xenord Member

    I just want to remind, that I wrote about this three times, first time it was month without 2 days ago.
  2. Widem Active Member

    As a fury I tried leftside prestige spec just for the lolz. Force of Nature ward is broken and does not work (doesn't really matter though cuz its 77k) and Natural Regeneration (heals 100% of damage received) doesn't work on one shots.

    The last rounds simply need the extra 15-20 sec damage avoidance that other classes have (some have even longer).

    I'm parsing for like 60k hps (pretty much all spirit of druidism) simply b/c there is no damage to heal until you are dead. This encounter could probably be solo healed if you brought a couple brawlers b/c like has been said before, this fight only revolves around completely avoiding damage.
  3. Galvanic New Member

    Got thru Legion without any issues this go around with guard, swash, dirge, coer, mystic and inq. Second encounter was fine except a couple of issues with Ubis: we rezoned a couple of times due to breaks and both times he was not visible pre-pull or during pull - however the script still worked like he was there (text about random toon needs to alert the rest of the team) and he was not able to be pulled visible but would one-shot toons. We had to wipe to reset encounter and he would respawn. Second issue is there seems to be a delay on occassion from when he goes invis to when that toon can see him even though he starts attacking team members. It didnt always happen but a couple of folks noticed it.

    On the final encounter, we cannot survive having a scout tank one of the nameds....even with shield/defensive/proper heals, etc the hits are not manageable. Not sure if we are doing something wrong separating them or if we need two tanks for the last encounter.
  4. Trak Member

  5. Galvanic New Member

    mez was....unreliable. Will try it again.
  6. Trak Member

    Singular focus to disable pulsing items (holy lands, radiating flames, unity, chilling temper, etc). Also you can only mez Lazon.
  7. Vasco Active Member

    Soooo what's the strat for legion?
  8. Genghes Active Member

    Get a good tank, templar, shawman, and some good dps. Stay on the name, adds spawn blow up adds. When you get spirit adds kill them first. Easy as that
  9. dkpc1983 Member

    Whats Strategic Incantation from Prime Inquisitor Lazon suppose to do? Sometimes hit 1.5m sometimes like over 6m.
  10. Trak Member

    I've found that aeing down the normal adds and just focusing on the named/spirits works very well with strong enough dps. Killable without anybody throwing up major wards, Spirit of Druidism and channeler intercept aside.

    It's supposed to try to kill you. Time it, avoid it, reduce it, ward it, whatever you can to not die from it.
  11. Galvanic New Member

    Not sure what you guys are doing but mezzing does not seem like a viable strat. We put SF on everyone, swapped out proccing gear and still they would break mez. All the time. We tried for hours and finally brought in a second tank. And watching the 30+ minute fight that the russians posted doesnt seem like thats the intent to mezz one of them for that long.

    Also, we had better luck in terms of mezz length on Vaderin than Lazon.

    We had a few pulls with two tanks and we lasted longer, but ended up calling it after getting creamed by Strategic Incantation. Ugh
  12. Clevemo Active Member

    Champion's Interception is amazingly useful to counter it.
  13. Clevemo Active Member

    be better at CC'ing Lazon.
  14. Trak Member

    Check what damage is breaking the mez and fix it. The fight takes us about 10 minutes with 5 minutes of mezzing; longer than most fights but definitely doable.
  15. dkpc1983 Member

  16. Vasco Active Member

    Well, something changed, it's not so bad to get spirit to spawn now. Fight def doable with one healer, just need everyone to have a metric ton of hp. I am enjoying this place now that group doesn't get one spotted randomly. Just can't see a pug being able to get through this place lol.
  17. dkpc1983 Member

    We finally get finish this zone, It's doable by a crusader, if execute the script correctly.




    Great zone, Great Script, Thanks Devs.
  18. Vasco Active Member

    Seeing a lot of group run channelers. Are they any good?
  19. dkpc1983 Member

    They provides best dps as a priest and stable "wards" on both tank and group depend on what kind of fight needs. But weak wards compare shaman. and less utility than cleric and druid.
  20. Duele Active Member

    Channeler is a poor man's shaman.