Order of upgrade to experts at 80-90?

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-miksprats, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-miksprats Guest

    What would you say in order of what I need to upgrade in the 80-90 spell range to expert then of course one day up to master but I need to get at least experts first. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. ARCHIVED-hoosierdaddy Guest

    Upgrade your top DPS spells as soon as you can scribe them.
    These are roughly in order of DPS, not level:
    1) Dark Pyre
    2) Acid (unless you're selecting it as your 85 grandmaster)
    3) Apocalypse
    4) Distortion
    5) Aura
    6) Cataclysm
    7) Absolution (unless you're selecting it as your 85 grandmaster)
    8) Rift
    9) Curse of Darkness
    10) Gift of Bertoxx
    You get the idea. If you're strapped for plat, stick with expert versions of spells like nihilistics or grasp until the master versions drop or you find a really, really cheap one on the broker.
  3. ARCHIVED-Yoshabel Guest

    If you're strapped for plat and looking for experts make sure your mining is maxed and grind for rares for a few play sessions then either play the broker game to sell the rares you don't need or post WTT (wanting to trade) message in channels trying to get kaborites. Then just find a sage and tip them a couple plat and, bam, you have your experts. That's what I did anyway.