Nagafen's top raiding guild and sole collectors of avatar loots Raid Times: Mon-Thurs 8pm est to 12am est Needed classes: -One of the following: Berzerker, Paladin or Bruiser. -One of the following: Coercer or Illusionist -Troub and Dirge -Must not have any serious upcoming life changes that could knowingly interrupt your ability to make those times. -Must be willing to commit to a minimum of 3 months after the 30 day recruitment period. -Knowledge of your class and its responsibilities on raids. -Proper adorning to support your class's role. -Character must be geared with a min. of COE legendary or better. -Character must at least have all expert spells/cas. Not a needed class? We always consider exceptional applications, if you are a class not listed in this recruitment but believe you deserve a spot in the guild, never hesitate to talk to one of the officers. PST or PM Balzor