Of VoV TS Missions and Harvests

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Denmum, Dec 6, 2021.

  1. Ahyes Member

    Best thing I have heard in a long time! Finally I will be able to get a crafting book!
    Breanna, Xillean and Shonshazzitt like this.
  2. Cheakekki New Member

    Thanks, Denmum! You're the best!
    Breanna likes this.
  3. Playz4fun Active Member

    Thanks so very much for this incoming change! It is really, really appreciated!
    Breanna likes this.
  4. CatGrayson New Member

    Thank you very much for the upcoming change. It is so much needed.
    Breanna likes this.
  5. Dogwood Member

    Thank you. This will actually make the TS Weekly Mission worth doing plus should help drop the crazy ts adv book prices on the broker.
    Breanna, Sigrdrifa and ittiebitty like this.
  6. Netherfury Member

    Ive praised the TL in VoV alot, to guildies and friends, but if you think the daily and weekly are rewarding and might change in the future, there becomes an issue.
    so many have offered suggestions, but it seems you only reply to praise not criticism
    getting a potion of innovation as a weekly reward, isnt just bad, its an insult
    personally ive stopped doing the dailies and weeklies, when Luclin which was much more thought out, offers so much more
    100% praise the vov timeline, i loved the quest and cant wait to do it again on alts, but you dropped the ball on the daily and weekly, it feels like a zombie fest, just auto clicking the gatherables, luclin got it right, where it felt you were part of the world, the current TS is jarringly not
  7. mythicaly Active Member

    TY TY TY you maam ROCK. ty for keeping us up to ddate. its very appreciated.
    Breanna likes this.
  8. Cyra Member

    Thank you so much! The prices on merchant insane for the 125 food. Finally I might be able to make my own!
    Breanna and ittiebitty like this.
  9. mythicaly Active Member

    STOP ATTACKING their doing stuff that needs to be done as fast as they can!
    devs dont need to answer crits, but they read it and fix what they can.
    they dont get all the overtime pay they deserve.

    our devs ( ALL of them) work their butts off to fix issues.
    ALL of us including me need to back off on the negativity and thank the staff for their love of us idiots they give us an amazing game to play, fixes as fast as they can. devs know all you do is appreciated, yes sometimes i get whiney, please accept my apologies. love you all
    Yenk, Breanna, Rosyposy and 1 other person like this.
  10. Katzandra Well-Known Member

    Will the change be applied to the weekly quest immediately or on the following Thursday? I am wondering if its worth waiting to get the weekly until after the patch.

  11. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    I figure do the quests for now because there is still *some* chance of getting good things /shrug
  12. Denmum Developer

    It will definitely take effect on any weeklies picked up after the patch next week. It "should" take effect on ones that are picked up before Tuesday's patch but finished after. I won't know for sure until I can test it, and I can't test it until I'm given the master book list to tie into the quest reward.
    Breanna, Xillean and Doobius40504 like this.
  13. Denmum Developer

    I am not going to continue to repeat myself - in several spots I agreed that there was a problem and we were discussing how to handle it. I do not owe everyone a blow-by-blow of the discussions, arguments, etc that were going on in the background as I tried to get a compromise approved. That was all the reply you or anyone else should have expected, ESPECIALLY when there were holidays smack in the middle of all of that.

    I said I was working on it. I meant that I was working on it. I do not have the time or patience, on top of the actual work that I have been doing, am doing and will continue to to do, to answer every single comment and critique. I respond as much as I do on the forums and Discord as a courtesy to the community. When I am met with discourtesy, all it does is make it less likely that I will respond at all, especially since my employers want me spending less time on the forums, not more. :p
  14. Priority Well-Known Member

    Thank you for communicating, even just a bit. It goes SO far with most of the playerbase
  15. Suidakra Active Member

    Speaking of responding, you do not show up on the Staff Tracker when you reply. Is this known on your end?
    Also, thank you for the hard work and communication. Much appreciated.
  16. Rebelde Active Member

    Thank you Denmum!!!
    Could we also select GM recipe books?
  17. Xillean Well-Known Member

    Denmum ftw!

    I really appreciate the effort you make in everything but particularly I really appreciate the communication.
    Breanna and Rosyposy like this.
  18. Chikkin Well-Known Member

    Awesome! and Thank you for all you do!
    Breanna likes this.
  19. Rattophaxe Well-Known Member

    When is this going to take effect? Because its not working like this yet...
  20. Chikkin Well-Known Member

    she posted yesterday about NEXT week's patch