Ode to Wipip (wee-pip)

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-Zeltaria, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zeltaria Guest

    I wrote this three years ago, it's rather silly and possibly stupid but I thought I'd share anyways.

    (err.. SPOILER if you have never done the Icy Dig quest series)

    Ode to Wipip (Wee-pip)

    There was a little rat named Wipip,
    he wasn't much bigger than a chip.
    He had such a love for cheese,
    that for just a slice he'd do what ever you please.

    He went on a journey to search for the great wheel,
    by the end he had turned such a lovely shade of teal.
    For the wheel was in fact,
    a Great Cheese Artifact!

    The Ratonga rejoiced and hoped for a choice,
    that they each get a slice that was not too terribly moist
    "So break out the wine!"
    Wipip said, "Because it's all going to be mine!"

    So he set out with his friends
    and a long journey they did attend.
    After months of searching and hunting,
    They found out that the Great Wheel was empty!

    So, alas, poor Wipip...
    didn't get his cheese nips!
  2. ARCHIVED-Arbreth Guest

    LOL - I do hope you put this into a PWB and have it on the broker.