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Oceansfull Instance Awuidor.... bug?

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Shraddha, Aug 17, 2022.

  1. Shraddha New Member

    So I have cleared all the named in this solo instance Awuidor: Trench of Terrors, no problems. But then the last fight, in the Deep with Esodeax and the Summoners. I have tried basically two tactics but they have failed miserably. First take out all the Summoner adds, then the Summoners one by one. Or take out one group of adds and then its Summoner, and repeat from one group to other.

    In both cases, the last Summoner or sometimes the last 2 Summoners, have something that is blocking almost all damage, and so the timer runs out and Esodeax is released and failure. I have also tried killing off one of Esodeax's arms, but there is not enough time to then take down the Summoners, especially when the last 2 still block almost all damage. Sometimes with the very last standing Summoner it is not even taking any damage. And this is before the last arm is spawned.

    So... this is a bug? I have tried this 12 times now, all with same result, Esodeax gets released because the last 1 or 2 Summoners seem to absorb all or most damage.
  2. Maviarab Active Member

    Summoners get a +1 per arm (25% Dmg Red iirc from the tooltip)..basically makes the last one impossible to kill if 4 arms are up and if you're not pumping out insane DPS...I also have this issue. I can't complete it...can get the 4th Summoner to about 60% then it's game over and I thought my stats were pretty good for a non-hardcore player.

    So DPS wise, you need to be killing them in 30-45 seconds as an arm appears every minute because as you say, removing an arm is not removing a summoner, just not enough time. Would love to know exactly what potency is required for that (I have 530k inside the instance), given according to the tooltip resolve does not count.
  3. Jalathan Active Member

    I am able to complete this on my brig, but I'm sitting at around 630 fervor and 560k potency before zoning in. Prior to getting up around 500k potency (without solo buff) I couldn't kill any of the named though, so there is probably some insane crit mit on the fights (and yes, I knew about the mud part of the fight).

    My son was saying there may be some sort of stone skin the summoners get if you hit them too hard too, so that may be part of it, not sure as I've not seen that yet.
  4. vlada Active Member

    low potency is causing the problems. you will need 650-700k w/o zone buff
  5. Maviarab Active Member

    That was on the 4 summoners and I believe has since been removed.

    Jesus...for a solo zone, in quested/crafted/dropped gear etc? That's insane...
  6. Playz4fun Active Member

    I am also a bit disappointed in this change. Not sure if this was supposed to be the original script or not, but I molo'd this zone until yesterday when I died repeatedly in the Deep with the addition(?) of the arms and the lack of damage to the summoners. Fortunately, a Guildie stepped up to help, but a as a Fury, I went from being able to solo this zone to needing help.

    I exceed the resolve requirements and am just short of the potency listed above, but sheesh...this is an event solo dungeon and there isn't a reason why I should have to ask someone to help me on the final step.

    One more run through (for the achievement) and I am done with it.
    Maviarab likes this.
  7. vlada Active Member

    Resolve is not used in solo zones
  8. vlada Active Member

    well,my warlock alt,who has 621k potency,expert level spells and wears hand me down 345R gear cannot finish this zone. so no,not insane
    [you probably shouldnt be wearing any crafted gear in there,just fyi]
  9. Maviarab Active Member

    fyi...given I can get the last summoner down to 60%....maybe I'm not doing too bad compared to your vastly superior stats and gear? I'd ask exactly what you are doing wrong...

    So basically, this is a zone purely for raiders to play in and everyone else...SOL? I had no issues with the previous festival dungeons...
  10. Jalathan Active Member

    I'm not a raider (I don't even have the flawless buff from the h1/h2 zones as I just started playing on Live again) and I've not had too much issue. I have a mix of gear from this zone and KT (solo). I wonder if that is because I'm a scout... I remember mages having crazy crit mit requirements at one point... I don't even have my experts yet for 121-125 and only using adepts...
    Maviarab likes this.
  11. Chrol Developer

    Tentacles no longer grant damage reduction to the summoners in solo.

    Also increased the drop chance on the rare harvests from the shoals of fish in the zone (both solo and heroic).
    Daryx, Bludd, Carizia and 2 others like this.
  12. Playz4fun Active Member

    Thanks for the update Chrol. It is much appreciated!
  13. Maviarab Active Member

    And just to update, After realising I've been a little lazy of late, after upgrading a few abilities I have now completed this...with my pitiful potency.
  14. Shraddha New Member

    Thank you so much Chrol! :) Was able to complete the encounter with ease. So yeah, it was the damage reduction of the tentacles that was the issue.
    Maviarab likes this.