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Oceanfell 5% Damage Cap Buff

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Monstuhr, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. Monstuhr Well-Known Member

    This buff is silly. I finished the Oceanfell zone on my main (Wizard) and primary alt (channeler). Issue is, every hit by my wizard triggers the 5% damage cap buff which essentially makes the mob immune/highly resistant to damage until it falls off. This applies to each of the summoners/arms and final named. This means every spell I cast results in a period of time of doing no damage. Causing the final summoners and arms to take forever to kill.

    Conversely, I take my channeler in who is FAR less dps. He steamrolls the final named in no time at all because he doesn't trigger the 5% cap.

    Is it really the intent of a zone that I should look for low level spells on my wizard or take off gear so that I am not pushing up against a ridiculous buff repeatedly?
    Carizia, Svenone and Aterskia like this.
  2. Aterskia Active Member

    dat wells tablished tacktic, an be'es knoens as "Time Sink©"
  3. Arandar Well-Known Member

    I have no idea what the purpose of the Stoneward buff is, aside from annoying players. As a game mechanic, it's tedious and unfun.
    Svenone likes this.
  4. Chrol Developer

    This is an effect from expansion bosses (5% for solo, 10% for heroics). It is now removed from Live Event dungeons.
    Daryx, Twyla, KingDragon and 4 others like this.
  5. KingDragon Active Member

    Twice in a week, I need to put you on the Christmas card list.
    Twyla likes this.