NPC phone calling in quests to players example

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Tabri, May 29, 2014.

  1. Akina_Storms Active Member

    it actually exists... it's call a guild banner....
    it was very usefull during guild pex when we're were mass chaining City task.
  2. Cacophony New Member

    Banners, yes. Great for particular quests/events...all in sorta thing. I think the original poster was referring to an individual& repetitious - thing as was I.

    *dreams on :>}
  3. Taysa Well-Known Member

    For a game that allows people to talk to each other over great distances (tells, guild chat etc.) I fail to see how a "cell phone" like object would go against lore, ESPECIALLY considering every roleplay guild out there uses some magically charged gem/stone/amulet/badge/whatever to explain how someone from their guild hall in Freeport can instantly talk to someone adventuring in the Cobalt Scar.

    Between tinkering and magic, any modern convenience can be explained and replicated in EQ2.
    Avahlynn likes this.
  4. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    I see your logic, and you know? You have me convinced. You changed my stance on this. I just wonder how the heck it could be retrofitted into out bazillion quests. :/
  5. Abasinolanam Active Member

    I love the idea of birds as posted by Shieldern. Having a self-settable recall point can be heavily abused as was in EQ1 before they made it so you could only bind in cities. But a way to address this for quests with the EQ2 lore in mind (and I admit I'm stealing heavily from Shieldern's idea) could be to buy some kind of spiritstones in main cities (say for status points, plat/gold or DM points) that would be consumable. Each quest could then have an option to consume a spiritstone to summon a ghostly version of the NPC to talk to, akin to when you talk to Drinal's Steward through those columns.
  6. Taysa Well-Known Member

    That's the catalyst: It can't. Actually, it can. But SoE won't spare the manpower, resources, or money to do that for an 11 year old game.
  7. Akina_Storms Active Member

    10 years old game on november 2014, not 11...
  8. Merriel Well-Known Member

    It's in SOE's best interest to make us travel a lot as that's time spent in game not doing anything constructive, which means more time spent in game to complete your goals. While we, the consumer, feel it is a waste of our time, and would rather be doing something constructive, this is the way of the gaming world. Almost every game I have played required you to travel from point A to point B then back to point A, then to point C, etc. Some of these gaming companies have listened to the consumer's complaints and given them alternatives, but really, that just takes dollars out of their pockets and for the most part, they don't like that. I agree that they could maybe implement an item that would alleviate that travel time, at a cost to the player for the shortcut.