NOTRADE rewards from weekly quests

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Beee, Feb 15, 2019.

  1. Beee Well-Known Member

    Could you please remove the NOTRADE flag from Weekly Quest rewards or offer a different item if the item is allready equipped?

    It's not funny getting a third NOTRADE chest from T3 Weekly raid quest :eek:
    Mrrshan, Hiza and Rosyposy like this.
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    But, but.. everybody LOVES having to delete quest rewards (because it's No-Trade, No-Value so it even can't be sold, transmuted or salvaged) when you've already got the same item or better..
  3. Hellfiren Well-Known Member

    Same on every Pice of Gear you get from the Patterns Raid or Heroic why this stuff must be no trade / value or no transmute and not hierloom at least.
    A mechanic like this dosent make sence anyway or anytime whats the matter to do things like that if not wanted to ruin a game by doing every da.....m thing no trade sorry DB we wont and cant follow your way of game.

    48hours Tradeding Flag was done to be able to trade thing 48h and not an other conditon on it so why we get a restriction like that we got from DB last ???

    we should rename the game into Ever Notrade or Restriction Quest , why the wohle comunity got blamed for some players who use bugs or betray , in german schools groupe blaming for a whole class are forbidden, for a Fail only one or tow students did.
    Better go the way temporary BAN those players for a known betray and if the do it again ban them for a longer time , in the end the player wont follow the rules sometimes more ban him 4 Life and them done.
    In many other Games this is business as usual Counter Strike / Battlefield / CoD / Halflife / Left 4 Dead etc.

    The money you can gather from a not playing while banned account for issuses the player did him self cant be the reason to blame the rest of the whole commuity.
    Beee, Mermut and Rosyposy like this.
  4. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    Frankly, and I really mean no disrespect to anyone, I gave up trying to make a connection between logic and whatever DBG is doing with much of anything regarding this game about a month ago; hey, I try to be optimistic, but some of the decisions game wise leave one scratching one's head and wondering if anyone has a clue anymore, or more importantly even cares. The whole debacle involving raids is the most recent example. And the servers coming down yesterday pm with nothing but an in game message about 10 minutes before they came down is astonishing. The only post on it was mine just to let people who might come to the forums after being unable to log in would know something. I see that now it's Wednesday morning and there was no message from anyone to players on the forums about this. Why they were coming down and for how long. I didn't even bother logging in after they went down. And with the general tone of apathy that seems to be pervasive, I'm really starting to ask myself how much longer I want to stick around. Love the game, and I'm sure there are people at DBG who care, but I've been in a situation before where the only focus is how much money can we get and it brings a cloud over the whole organization. It's the old situation, speaking of ill-logic, that says, "We don't have time to do it right, but we'll have time to fix it later." It's become virtually impossible to distinguish the difference between work and play here. The frustration is daily and the singular moments of joy are few and far between. I'm sooo tired of daily TS crafting quests that yield TS books I haven't needed for almost 4 months, to the same saddle, hackamore patterns dropping every time. Everything's no trade, you can't transmute half the stuff to even try and get celestial manas so you can actually craft something useful. And not having a recipe book like we used to have in the past so we can take the 100s of fragments we have to get a celestial mana in order to improve ourselves is ludicrous. These become available AFTER the new xpac comes out? Oh hail yeah, that's useful. The frustration is climbing exponentially as all of these annoying decisions based on zero logic keep rolling out. I get this is a business and you have to make money. I don't have an argument with that. What I'm not understanding is the incessant decisions that don't negatively impact the game itself, but seemingly are in play solely for the purpose of annoying the player base. I can't think of a single business model in place today where annoying your customer base (you know, the people who are actually your income stream) works out for you. When you make the business<>customer relationship one of contention and frustration, it's not a business model for survivability long term. And long term in this discussion is a year--maybe two. Again, I make these statements out of love of this game and the hope that somewhere, people at DBG and players can stop this slide backwards. Time will tell and thanks for reading.
    Rhodris, Juraiya, Beee and 1 other person like this.
  5. Mrrshan Member

    absolutely, jewelry rewards are heirloom so why can't the armor drops be the same?
  6. Mrrshan Member

    oh and dear lord Bhayar .... do something about that wall of text ... paragraphs etc, ya know ? :)
  7. Beee Well-Known Member

    So now i got my 8th black rune and the flag for buying all black runes

    NOTRADE and buyable for a twink for 12 Million status each.. just little as 84 million Status for 7 pcs

    I have to destroy the black runes on the main and need to buy them at each twink for 84m Status??

    sorry.. - have to delete my comment here -
    in english: Sorry no way :D
    Juraiya and Rosyposy like this.
  8. Mrrshan Member

    yeah, I don't understand that either, I have 3 double runes now and nothing to do with them. At least make them heirloom please
    Beee likes this.
  9. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    It's called "stream of consciousness," lol. Usually I do use paragraphs, but I was minimalizing how much space I used.
    Breanna likes this.
  10. Beee Well-Known Member

    Wrong.. 17 Mio Status per rune … 119 Mio Status for a twink … Daybreak you made my day :)

    no way.. for 1,7 miillion it's OK not 17
  11. Beee Well-Known Member

    I really enjoy doing heroic weeklies with the big chance of getting

    A) a usless worthless pattern (can be sold on IoR for 2 Platin)
    B) a no-trade no-value armor piece
    C) Draught of Devine Potency (can be sold on IoR for 50 Platin) - which rise fervor up to 46,5
    D) my 600th no-trade Celestrial Zirkon in multiple stacks a 99 pcs
    E) 108.000 Status (+bonus) on the wrong toon
    and last but not least
    F) NOT getting one of the missing no-trade sinies

    *thumbsup* it only can get better
  12. Beee Well-Known Member

    This week i got choice B) again another useless armor piece from T3 weekly
  13. Gematria Active Member

    Boggles me that this wasnt looked at for the GU.. Its not fun doing weeklies when you get items that you cant use for anything :(
    Beee likes this.
  14. semisus Does not play this game

    a box where we could claim whatever no trade shiny we wanted or chance for ancient ascensions for weekly would be awesome
    Beee likes this.
  15. Beee Well-Known Member

    I thing for an unwanted behavior the reward shinies of GU109 NOTRADE collections are tradeable
  16. Beee Well-Known Member

    Another great weekly with double NOTRADE armor. Would be intresting to know when the weekly will get usefull again for me :eek:
  17. Fistpower Well-Known Member

    November when the new expansion is released. Then its useful for about a month.
    Beee likes this.
  18. Beee Well-Known Member

    Damn, you are right ;)

    This week I got another useless NO-TRADE black rune, another useless NO-TRADE shoulder item and another useless stamina bauble. OK the Status is usefull (+2 gems as long as they are still necessary) , but PLEASE make it worth doing quests again
  19. Vlkodlak Well-Known Member

    I would love to see this changed as well. It seems pretty petty to reward folks items that are worthless literally, no value, no trade, absolutely no use to anyone except to destroy them.
    Mermut likes this.
  20. Kari Well-Known Member

    Even Karana is displeased with them.