New Spell Names - Warden

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-Kiara, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    Thanks to Tesar for the excellent suggestion of putting a sticky in all the class forums with links to their updated spell lists. I'm posting a link to the overall FAQ and to each specific class.
    Please post in this thread if you see any that need correction.
  2. ARCHIVED-Avgaardd Guest

    The list has Winter's Sting at level 59 which was renamed a long time ago. It should be removed from the list.
  3. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    Erving@Guk wrote:
    Renamed to what? Or just eliminated? More info please :)
  4. ARCHIVED-Netheir Guest

    pre-rename when you'd scribe winter's sting (if you'd happen to come across one) it would scribe as solar burn aka dawnstrike V atm
  5. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    Okey dokey! Thanks for the tip :)
  6. ARCHIVED-Avgaardd Guest

    Sorry about that, I should have been more descriptive. Thanks for the help, Netheir!
  7. ARCHIVED-Katz Guest

    Can the lists be updated for the 81 - 90 spell upgrades?
  8. ARCHIVED-raydenwins Guest

    Does the hierphant obfuscation ability on the wis line work in pvp?