New Ranger and wanting general info

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-Alaman, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Alaman Guest

    Hello everyone. I'm new here. Just started last week(bought the game after 4 days on the trial). I have read several of the forums and scanned the stickies, but can't seem to find what I am looking for. Where can I find a general guide to rangers? Being completely new I know nothing about the class and would like to change that. I don't really know what gear I need, how to do my alternate advancement points, a good keybinding system, ect. Any info would be nice.
    I have watched several videos on youtube, showing ranger gameplay and I have noticed that pretty much all of them were made by clickers. Are keybinds not necessary? Are there too many abilities to keybind?
    It's kind of scary that I chose this class. It seems 40-60% of the posts in this forum are about how this class is pathetic and not worth your time. Are rangers really that broken that no enjoyment can be found in them? Is this just for instances? Raids? How is PvP?
    If these answers can be found in other posts, i do apologize. While I did read several posts, I was afraid to really dig and research these forums. While I like this game, seeing all of the negative feedback is already making me wonder if buying it was a mistake or not. I didn't want to keep reading and get talked out of the game when I just purchased it.
    Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
    Alaman, 14 Ranger
    Nagafen Server
  2. ARCHIVED-Saihung23 Guest

    Alaman wrote:
    Oh, you're on Nagafen. People will hate you, but not because you suck. From the general posts I see in PvP you will do well once you get your strategies down.
    I have my main, Saihung at 85. He has been my main for 5 solid years. Went through being the most overpowered clas in the game, to being the worst DPS'er.

    Where do we stand today?
    When SF came out, I redid my aa's. All 127 of them now. It isnt many.
    I solo fine in most instances, rangers always will have issues with needing space. The last time I grouped, I heard the leader talking in chat that it the fights were going much which it was concluded that I was doing much better than the mage that was in group before me.
    Do I think we are better than mages DPS-wise? Not really. I must have just replaced someone who was slacking or wearing horribly outdated gear.
    Point is...we can open eyes with our DPS when well played.

    We are RANGErs. But if you try to only do ranged damage, you will dissapoint your group...or wonder why you died solo.
    Melee is a big part of our dps makeup. There is a sweet spot that, when grouped, you can find that allows both melee and ranged attacks. Making good use of this sweet spot can really make someone notice your dps.

    At level 14 you are more of an apprentice ranger right now. When you hit level 25-30 you will be about 85% fleshed out as a ranger. You will still be waiting for Sniper Shot and some other abilities...but at around that level you start to feel like a true ranger.

    Joust. If you have trouble finding a sweet spot, joust. Move in move out, stun, move to the rear. *When soloing, stun the mob and run through him to the rear for back attacks. Don't get fancy...just bull rush him and get to the rear.*

    Check out the PvP forums. There are many I hate ranger posts. And not the " I play a ranger and I hate him" posts...but those talking about rangers having certain advantages over other classes.
    Namely: Chain Armor/Ranged DPS.
    We hit hard, and with our agility and thick chain armor...we don't get one or two shotted that regularly by our peers.

    All class forums are like this. Do rangers have issues? Yes. Are we the best in PvE DPS...probably not in most cases. Are we to be avoided? Only in PvP when you arent playing a ranger and see one.
    Don't be afraid that you made a is a rewarding class imo.