New player looking for an RP guild (on Antonia Bayle)

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Licerous, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Licerous New Member

    Heya, I'm a new player and recently decided to try my hand in the role playing world, so keep in my I am still quite new at it. That being said, I'm not sure what I'm exactly looking for, except for a guild that will be willing to show me the ropes and that's friendly and likes to have fun. Also, keep in mind I'm a college student who works, so I can't be on every single day, but I can get on at least every other day. :)
    If it matters, I play a half-elf Warden by the name Licerous, currently level 11. And my account is a Silver account, but when school's over I plan on getting a Gold membership and buying the expansions.
  2. Iren Active Member

    not sure which rp guilds are recruiting , but when you next get ingame you should /join rplfg and /join rpevents also there is something of a rp channel in /join rm
    definately put something into rplfg and you will most likely get some better info
    welcome aboard :D
  3. Licerous New Member

    Alrighty! Thank you! I'll sure be able to do that.! ^^
  4. Aran Anar Active Member

    Here do this, get into game hit the U key. then use the fliter on it to show guilds that are role play. click that and you get nice list of guilds taking new members that are more into the story of the game and playing out there character in a story. There are story quests also i see on eq2 wiki. The U key is guild window very helpfull. Therer are a couple really good ones.
  5. Licerous New Member

    Alright, thanks Aran! I appreciate it. :)