Need some coercer/illu clarifications please.

Discussion in 'Mages' started by JackoJames, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. JackoJames New Member

    Hey everyone , so I'm tempted to create a caster class but I'm a bit confused

    I see so many wizard/necro on my server that it doesn't makes me want to create one,

    Same goes for warlock/conjuror I'm not fan of being aoe focused as a caster, and conjuror sounds to me like a bad version of necro.

    Now coercer/illu are the ones that really interest me , but topic after topic I fail to understand what these classes role is in high lvl group/raid , sounds like since TOV those 2 classes are nothing more than bad version of wizard that sacrifice 50% of their dps to have some mana regen spells?

    I compare them to wiz because once you hit the mana regen button , people expect you to "only" dps which in the end is the same role as a wiz but with way less dmg.

    If that's the case it sounds boring, sacrificing so much dmg just to be a walking mana potion sounds like a bad tradeoff.

    I'm probably naive but I was expecting a bit more from classes that sacrifice 50% of their dps , falling in T2 category just to "regen mana" , I would expect a bit more tools/utility that could be used in high end gameplay.

    What I also keep reading is that those classes doesn't need to use their CC anymore in group/raid as many ennemies are either immune to CC or either die to fast to be worth using CC.

    So if all I read is true what is left is a poor damage class with regen mana as the only valuable utility in late game ?

    Could anyone enlight me about what those classes really are actually ? and if what I heard about it is all wrong I'll be glad to hear it :)

    Thanks all
  2. Tyman Active Member

    Enchanters bring much more to groups and raids than just mana regen. The are buff machines and have a lot of utility. Coercers get plink which is great for the higher dps classes that don't have a transfer and will stop them ripping aggro. Thought snap and Coercive shout are 2 skills the coercer has that will keep threat on the fights especially helpful in memwipe fights.They both get Peace of mind which is a group damage proc. They get EV which increases the pot and DPS of the target by .75% of the enchanters int. Illys get TC which is a great buff that adds double cast. And they do a whole lot more, and Im sure someone with more experience playing the classes can give you more details. So yes they are a lot more than mana potions.
  3. Treiko Active Member

    a good chanter will do all the above things and still parse competitively in a group... no idea how they parse in raids but i still imagine pretty well.
  4. Estred Well-Known Member

    I do about 1.2 to 2 Million on a good parse on my Illusionist in Raids based on fight/setup and of course how much rebuffing I have to do versus how well I time my stuff.
  5. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    I know illys who parse over 4m on linked mobs fights.

    Coercers parse less. On some named fights I parse around 700 - 800k. On linked trash around 1M - 1.1M. On some fights less. Depends on scripts and a group set up.
    But I am not the best geared coercer in the world. Two fully gemmed arcane pieces (legs and chest) with other potent pieces. Only two potent fully gemed. One piece has one gem, other two ungemmed. This expansion I went ranged autoattack and am loving it. No melee and no raid leaders ******** about staying ranged anymore. :)

    With better gear every class sees dps increase.

    PS. In group heroic runs my dps is about the same. 600-800k.
    Ranga likes this.
  6. Treiko Active Member

    yea with the mashing of ranged and melee stats there is no real reason to go melee anymore. while i liked the melee setup with my coercer, i have enjoyed staying in the background with my necro and still having auto attack be a strong contributor to my DPS (betwen 8 and 11% of my total parse).
  7. Maledicere Member

    Clarification: In end game, you are a buff bot. And, yes, you sacrifice 30-40% dps to provide it and earn your spot in the group/raid.

    What you need to keep in mind is that the utility you provide greatly increases group/raid dps and survivability, while adding your personal dps into the mix. It requires skill to manipulate group power, coordinate temp buffs and still shoot ever higher in personal dps ... superb chanters aren't easymode by any means.

    If you want to see all that you contribute on a parser, than roll a T1 dps and be ready to work your butt off, because they are the only ones that a parser clearly demonstrates their performance -- if you aren't well geared and an exceptional player, you aren't getting another invite.

    Mediocre chanters will likely get a raid spot, mediocre T1 dps never will.
    Treiko, JackoJames and Ranga like this.
  8. Ranga Active Member

    I agree entirely, my numbers are similar to yours in raids. Pugs, I do up to 1.5m with 4 Pot pieces 3 of which are gemmed.

    Frequently though in pugs, I am top two DPS given that there is little need for regen in ToV heroics. I too went ranged immediately this expac was released and never regretted it yet.

    If we could only get a bit of beef to our pets (which is long overdue) our DPS would significantly increase. As it is, almost every single PE in the game is a guard clone that casts little more than Overpower once a week lol.

    And yes, a good coercer is worth 2 bad T1's :)
    Kraeref likes this.
  9. JackoJames New Member

    Thank you all for the answers ,

    I'm glad to hear that coercer/illu are more than some mediocre dps with "passive" mana buff :)

    Even if those classes don't get full use of their CC , knowing that the buff/temp/regen/dps requires some management and good timing from the player to be effective got me motivated enough to level a enchanter :)

    Before that topic I had this vision of an enchanter standing here with his "until cancelled" buffs running , doing nothing more than trying to do some dps and from time to time using a mana regen temp.

    Now it sounds far from the passive/boring gameplay I was expecting.

    It's time to make my mind on coercer vs illu :)

    Thanks again to everyone.
  10. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    You can make both :)
    Enjoy and good luck!
  11. Treiko Active Member

    Bard forums are over there.... j/k - more accurate a few expansions ago but still :p
  12. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Currenly getting my coercer group/raid ready.

    I wonder if a melee spec is suitable, this is due to the fact that WDB is not on pot/cb items (i have similar issue with warden, and indeed with paladin too since %hp, %block % mit never come with dps stats).

    Can you post me your coercer name, i will check his AA setting on Eq2u.

    May the str column is outdated, also perpetuity is probably not that great with based casting/recov at 100. Not sure since it may add double cast bypassing the soft cap. Technically he could reforge to a low casting speed and rely on perpetuity
    but i think i prefer a solid 100% casting speed whatever happen.
  13. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Main reason is that those classes have a very trivial gameplay, technically necros can bring a lot more to the group than dps but many of them don't even have their ressurection on their hotbar and use like 6 abilites ...
    nuke, dot, drain, aoe drain, pet swarm 1-2 and life burn.
  14. Ranga Active Member

    Perpetuity is a waste of time, ranged is the new melee! You don't have to time ranged autoattacks and it's potency all the way for me. And as much int and Ab Mod as you can get. I still take the str line though for the extra DPS 1/1/10.
    Kraeref likes this.
  15. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Just be aware of your group... coercers are usually in melee groups (tank or scout) and if you're hanging way back while your group including your healer is in melee range you might be missing cure, heals and buffs.
  16. Algid Member

    You do realize the str line does not effect spell ranged attacks.....I mean it even says it right on the skill.
  17. Ranga Active Member

    You do realise that the exclusion only applies to autoattack (I mean it even says it right on the skill ;) ) and I specifically mentioned it for the extra 48 DPS? Read my post again.
    Kraeref likes this.
  18. Ranga Active Member

    This is not even a concern. If I'm in the MT group, there will usually be an inquisitor. Inquis Melee range is 5m (say 4m to guarantee hits)....

    Group emergency heal 31.3m +4m
    ST emergency heal, Penance and both regular cures 25m + 4m
    IIRC most of the 'heal on melee' heals are between 25 and 40m + 4m

    My ranged wpn is 35m say 34 to be sure of a hit and the only thing that I have to go in to 10m for is Shockwave every 22.4 secs.

    I think I'm safe, don't you? :)
    Kraeref likes this.
  19. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I'm speaking as a warden... my AoE blocker (and windblade with damage proc, heal proc and crit bonus stacking) are 10' range only. (This means I need to be in 10' of my tank as well, not just in my melee range.) Before the change to ranger bow distance, I remember constantly saying 'so and so, you're out of range'. Sometimes it wasn't just my AoE blocker, sometimes it was the actual cure.
    Mostly I'm saying know your group and be aware. Not saying that being ranged is bad.. just that it CAN be, depending on your group make up and 'how ranged' you try go to.
    Kalika likes this.
  20. Estred Well-Known Member

    I raid an illusionist not a Coercer and I also use a ranged-spell AA set up, but you are free to look up my AA if you wish. The Character's name is Arlysa. I don't know if they have their AA open but Klariti is one of our Coercers.