Navigation system

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Danil, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. Danil New Member

    Hello, guys

    I got a question for you. I am confused with navigation system in the game. I could not find any coordinates where my charachter currently is. Please tell me how to enable coordinates or where they are situated.

    P.S. could not find that topic anythere on Forum, neither in FAQ
  2. Opeij New Member

    /loc (or /location) tells you your X, Y, Z coordinates (or X, Z, Y, I'm not sure.)
  3. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    alt n should bring up a compass if you don't have one and when you mouse over it you will get a tooltip with your current coordinates showing, the middle number is elevation which can really be useful when trying to find things
    Danil likes this.