Move Nagafen to Antonia Bayle

Discussion in 'PvP & Battlegrounds' started by Tippysaurus, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. Fulton Active Member

    First time in ten years i havent bought the new expansion. Havent played for about 4 months now but still check the forums from time to time. Havent seen any positive feedback about pvp in this expansion so i guess its time to bury this old favorite.Moving naggy to AB wont solve anything, its still the same broken stuff with a grind.If it was fun then naggy wouldnt need a merge cause tons would still be playing there.
  2. Trasor Active Member

    Yeah I mean I suggested that when opt in PvP becomes available after back packing on the cross server dungeons, that they make genuine pve incentives for pvping on a kill per rewards basis...

    Meaning some mount, ceretain appearance gear, greater chance for an ethereal, adornments, etc can work. And now, with the way adornments set up, they could even put in old avatar mobs around places in opt in with rewards synonymous to new raid mobs.

    They have unlimited opportunities with limited resources, I do back their decision on their resources to remove the gear separation, however I don't know if paying for the subscription as well as the expansion is worth it for 1 month of pvp.

    Thoughts Exur?
    Tippysaurus likes this.
  3. Exur Well-Known Member

    Just make it easy and something they've already done with some heroic zones by adding PvP tokens rewards to Open World quests and contested names. It was working with Colbat Scar names and would have worked with the contested PvP zone if there was no gear separation. At the moment, there is not gear separation... only two methods to access the same gear. There are no hard core raid guilds on Nagafen, so it works... for now. This would be very easy and something unique to Nagafen. If PvEers don't like it for BG reasons... close the door and cut us off from the rest of the world.

    Again, without a PvP incentive to be in a contested zone.. there is no contested PvP.
    Creasote and Fetish like this.
  4. Trasor Active Member

    I am just curious if you find it "worth it" for buying the expansion if Nagafen population decreases steadily. I really approve the opt in idea with genuine incentives. Because right now the majority of the population doesn't think like us, they want the best stuff and the coolest looking stuff for PVE, and if that comes in a PvP box, then we will really get to see how things work.

    Just imagine if the devs threw us a bone and put the duck mount as a reward for open world pvp writs.
  5. Trasor Active Member

    Chaos would commence
  6. Exur Well-Known Member

    Sure, but best you'll get from SoE is a discounted price. Nothing is free anymore. But it would also mean they would have to track it... And if they're coding that, well then let's get that long over due, why the heck don't we not have it already leaderboards.
  7. Trasor Active Member

    I just wish we could create some sort of internal game wheye we made 2 progression guilds on Nagafen, q and freep, that had a rule set and no one cheated and had to kill every raid mob and level up in open world. That would be awesome, of course we would all lock at 80 with 200 AA :D.
  8. Fetish Well-Known Member

    That one simple thing might be all it would take to rebuild Nagafen.
  9. Creasote Well-Known Member

    I fully support the idea of contested zones with good rewards. Cobalt scar was Nagafen's last era of successful sustained open world pvp. Then they reduced the drop rate of the pvp gem and the rewards were mediocre, then the pvp disappeared. Massive battles including both Pve and pvp guilds over the x2s and x4s in the zones. Small skirmishes for the bear named which dropped the pvp gem. The rewards dried up and so did the pvp.

    They have placed fabled contested zones in the game and I have tried them all including one of the new zones in this expansion. The rewards and experience in these zones are terrible for the time and effort put into running them. We are talking transmute items from ^^^ named drops and no pvp rewards and experience is better in DM.