Mouse lag

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Cloudrat, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    [IMG]Windows 8.1 introduces mouse lag that renders some games unplayable and I think I found one of the reasons. I recently changed my display to large icons and that put the mouse lag in. Changing to medium removed it.

    I can change back and forth with same results.
  2. The-Plethora Active Member

    Is this the problem when the mouse jumps around and you move your character when turning on screen and the next thing you know your view is underneath them?
    I have always had this problem with EQ2 to some extent over various OS. I generally two box and someone mentioned it might be related to multiple monitiors. Anyway, I used to get this problem maybe once an hour on both accounts, now I have 'upgraded' to windows 8.1 it happens about every 30 seconds and is extremely annoying!

    Seems my layout is a bit different to yours, maybe our views are setup differently but I will try and find the same option and see if that helps. Anyone else get this issue?

    Sounds like this...
  3. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    As soon as I put large icons on and start game the mouse shoots to upper left corner of desktop. I can move it after many tries to grab game screen and play but if I get too far to the upper left it takes off for the corner again.
    As soon as I put medium or small icons on the mouse issue goes away. I am not jumping into game right away and so was able to see what was going on and realize it wasn't game lag.

    This is the first time I have had a new computer with next to nothing extra on it, so that I was able to find a causal relationship easily. My brain is going omg omg omg all these years off and on same thing and now it seems to make sense.
  4. TrulyVexed Active Member

    Microsoft have literally just released a patch to address mouse lag/stutter/freezes for specific games - - if you install the hotfix, you'll then need to edit the registry and create an entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers pointing to wherever your EQ2 executable is (maybe the launcher and the game executable itself) per the instructions at their site.

    It's a big enough issue that someone is likely to create a utility that does it for you but seeing as this hotfix was only released a few hours ago you'll need to do it manually for now.

    I haven't tried it myself yet.. I've been waiting for it to be resolved. I'll throw Win8.1 on my home PC later and give it a whirl.
  5. The-Plethora Active Member


    Yeah I tried that and it worked for me. No more really irritating looking at the underside of your mount anymore, thanks very much :)

    I made 2 entries in the registry, one for the steam version and one for the normal windows install so I have both accounts covered. This topic should probably be pinned as more and more people 'upgrade' to 8.1

  6. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    All I have to do is not use large icons atm:)