Most Valuable Epic 1.0s in Kunark?

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Ayonic, Jan 3, 2023.

  1. Ayonic New Member

    What will be the most valuable epics in the Kunark expansion for Varsoon? Why?
  2. Boldac Active Member

    Personally, I like these:

    Mystic for Spirit Tap (power + heal)
    Inquisitor for the Clicky Cure
    Coercer for the group mana flow
    Zerker for the 100% AE Auto
    Warlock for the conversion of Encounter spells to singles with a damage boost

    The rest can be extremely helpful too, with some being underrated. The real answer will come once we see the updated stats on them and if any of the effects are modified this time around. (I'm hoping they get manually updated and not part of the auto-process for the rest of the gear that is currently used and not 100% intuitive)
    Arielle Nightshade likes this.
  3. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    Warden for never running out of power.
    Fetish likes this.
  4. Spiritus Praeteriti Member

    Which class has ever had mana issues with GEBs and every other cheese that negates power from the equation of the mindless faceroll button mashing the population employs every encounter?
  5. Greene Active Member

    What's the over/under on the chance that the conjuror epic is still busted? I think the pet summon spell attached to it has a wrong number in the database somewhere, it's worse than the apprentice level pet you can summon lol
  6. Venser Active Member

    what class wears GEBS in RoK? please stop spreading information about how to be bad.
    Fetish and Fikkif like this.
  7. Spiritus Praeteriti Member

    Who's having power issues in ROK and on what TLE was that?

    You managing to not live out of your car and attend raids on Starbucks wifi?
  8. Fikkif Member

  9. Smashey Well-Known Member

    Zerker and Mystic is the most useful mythic 1.0 in era.

    Coercer a close 2nd if the TLE server power drains has been tuned.

    INQ is a myth that will forever stay relevant and useful, even on live servers in 2023. Too bad the class it self is horse poop on live.
  10. Spiritus Praeteriti Member

    Spoiler alert, the power drains and power usage hasn't been tuned.

    No one's answered the question yet, who's having power issues in any era of any TLE?
  11. Maergoth Well-Known Member

    That's a question for conjurors and necros. If they're not casting hearts/shards, I'd agree with you. Unfortunately, they are.
    Fetish likes this.