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More Bonuses!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by dreamweaver, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. dreamweaver Well-Known Member

    More bonuses like the ones from the previous weeks.

    Starting today at 12 PM (noon) PDT until Thursday, April 9 at 12 PM PDT, we will be running another set of bonuses.

    Kaladim will continue to get double hunter coins!

    Live servers, you are going to see Limited time mount xp drops, and double overseer daily quests
    Please note the limited time mount xp drops are off of Blood of Luclin missions crates
  2. Naneeje Well-Known Member

    Thank you to the powers that be... Not much for bonuses on Kaladim are available, so it's nice to see the love! Time to get the second slot filled!
    SolarFaire, Cyrrena and Adene like this.
  3. Adene Member

    Thanks again!
    SolarFaire and Cyrrena like this.
  4. Jaeded Well-Known Member

    Thank you
    SolarFaire and Cyrrena like this.
  5. Whilhelmina Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the bonus!

    The overseer one is showing a bit weird. I opened it on Leucosia and saw them all (I had 2 left before bonus was turned on, so showed 12 afterwards), then switched to Blanchette and was back at 2 quests instead of 12, switched to yseult and was at 2, switched back to Leu and she saw 12. Leucosia zoned after 12PM went by, so my guess is that it shows upon zoning. On my way to test that.

    Edit: you need to check overseers then zone then re-check overseers to get the extra 10 to show. If you zone then check it doesn't seem to apply the extra-10 missions. If you check and never zone it never applies them either.
    PS: newly created chars show 12 missions up front
    SolarFaire, Cyrrena and Breanna like this.
  6. Shadowforge12 New Member

    nothing for players like me that have no capped characters and only play on kaladim? For me just focusing on the hunter coins is disappointing. But I realize we may be in the minority of player base.
    SolarFaire and Cyrrena like this.
  7. Peredhel Active Member

    Thank you!

    Question: do any of the upper level TS books drop from Overseers? For my Sage, I've managed to accumulate all but Shadow Sage 17-20 and I can't afford to pay 5M plat for each (minimum). Just curious.
    SolarFaire and Cyrrena like this.
  8. Whilhelmina Well-Known Member

    They drop from bonus chests on 10h fabled missions.
    SolarFaire and Cyrrena like this.
  9. Bludd Well-Known Member

    yes they do but rarely
    SolarFaire and Cyrrena like this.
  10. Nunja Well-Known Member

    So is the double status going to the 9th now as well?
    SolarFaire and Cyrrena like this.
  11. dreamweaver Well-Known Member

    Nope, each one is ending at the time they were slated to end.
    SolarFaire, Breanna and Cyrrena like this.
  12. Nunja Well-Known Member

    Ok was confusing reading "Continuing the bonuses from the previous weeks."
    SolarFaire and Cyrrena like this.
  13. leannel New Member

    I completed 3 overseer quests this afternoon and didn't receive an award for any of them. :(
    SolarFaire likes this.
  14. Erole Member

    sooo... (6) "Instance Lockout Resets" per day? :)
    SolarFaire likes this.
  15. Arclite Well-Known Member

    completed weekly heroics and not a single drop for me, the rest got a lot of them and they dont even need them. When will this RNG charade end...
    SolarFaire likes this.
  16. Zynt Feldon's sock puppet

    Which server are you on?
    SolarFaire likes this.
  17. Sphyx New Member

    Are the cooldown timers for overseer agents going to be adjusted (reduced) also? A bit hard to take advantage of the double quests if I still have to wait the full cooldown time, which only yields really enough time to get 10 through a set in a day and cooldown before the reset.

    ! ... idea! Reduce the agent cooldown timers by half!
    SolarFaire likes this.
  18. puppybreath Active Member

    You guys are stepping up & rocking it! Thank you kindly.
    Hope everyone is staying healthy & 6 feet apart!
    SolarFaire likes this.
  19. Bludd Well-Known Member

    remember your other characters on same account can send out overseers too
    Sigrdrifa likes this.
  20. Windtooth New Member

    Is it me or is the cool down rate of Overseer Quest also doubled?
    I thought the 10 hour quests take 10 hours to cool down but now its 20?