Monthly Subscription Vs Free to Play

Discussion in ' Website Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Maximine, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Maximine Guest

    I am a montly subscriber, is there any benefit to continue this subscription or should I swich to Free to Play? Please tell me the benefits of paying for a subscrition, it looks like you get the same benefits on Free to Play. Thank you very much.
  2. ARCHIVED-Gravy Guest

    Subscribers get:
    More bag slots
    More bank slots
    Access to nearly all races and classes
    Abililty to carry unlimited coin
    Can scribe Master spells
    Can wear Legendary and Fabled gear
    More character slots
  3. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    This is a good question to bring up because it is something many people have been asking on the extended server for a long time.
    Unlockers are quite cheap... 5 unlockers for 150 SC. If you only play one or two characters you would probably save money by sticking with a silver sub. If you play a lot of characters, or if you like to collect a lot of gear or for some other reason find you you need more than say... 40 unlockers a month (1200 SC), you may want to keep your gold status.
    Bag Space can be purchased, plus since bags are so huge in this game it's pretty easy to get by with the restrictions.
    The AA slider is locked at 50% for bronze and silver members. For some people this is a major drawback to having a bronze or silver account.
    The Coin cap is, in my opinion, the biggest drawback to playing without a subscription. I think a level 90 can only have like 18 plat total. It locks you out of buying loot rights to items, and prevents you from buying a lot of stuff on the broker, and even some merchants/items in game (like guild halls).

    Those are some of the things you can consider if you are thinking of trying out silver.... oh yeah.. .plus you won't accrue veteran reward credit I think.
  4. ARCHIVED-Maximine Guest

    Thank you both very much, I appreciate the information, it is a great help.
  5. ARCHIVED-Tiegar Guest

    I have a gold membership which is indicated to expire on 12/17/11, but I don't want it to expire. Will my membership as a gold member be automatically renewed? If not, what do I have to do so that my play isn't adversly effected by a lack of action on my part?