Monthly rp event for Lucan Dlere sever

Discussion in 'Roleplaying' started by ARCHIVED-tazratruegard, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-tazratruegard Guest

    Role Play Opportunity
    The Colosseum open on the 15th of every month 6 pm EST.
    Being a one day a month event should make it simple to remember and attend. The idea is for it to be a sever wide event to bring the community together much like the roman Colosseum.
    Here would be a chance for a guild to present a champion and a opportunity to role play as a community. Guilds could a form alliances start rivalries settling the affairs through the arena. Guilds or individuals could develop plot lines of thieves raising havoc or extorting protection monies from the venders. Lovers could meet against family wishes. Any wishing to be involed contact Dish by game mail.

    The Colosseum presented by Rising Presence is a monthly fighting arena and open market in Gorweyn.
    The event will be held on the 15th of every month from 6 pm EST till 8 pm. At the Colosseum estate located next to the Groweyn guild hall. Admission is one gold. There will be low price refreshments and food. Rising Presence will put up purse money for matches in the arena. Matches will be restricted to class vs class and no more than a experience gap of 2 levels. Those wishing to participate contact Dish by game mail.