Monk CA animations still overridden by autoattcks/dodges/etc?

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-DarumaRanger, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-DarumaRanger Guest

    Hail and well met, all,
    I'm considering starting up a Monk again... I haven't had one since just a few months after release I think it was.
    At some point in the distant dawning of this game a change was made to CAs... I believe they made them near instant cast... some of you may remember this change... CAs used to have longer "casting" times.
    When that change went in it killed the Monk class for me.
    I LOVED my Monk because of the CA animations; the jumping spinning straight back kick, the jumping spinning reverse crescent kick, the side snap kick, the spinning of a Bo staff around and behind your back, etc. etc. etc.
    When that change went in, far, FAR more often than not, the CA animation would be "overridden" by an auto attack animation or dodge or whatnot.
    You might start the animation, but then it would just stop part way through and you'd see a dodge or auto attack animation going on instead.
    I know spamming CAs caused this to happen as well... but I could avoid that by NOT spamming them. I would wait for each animation to end before hitting another CA. However I could not control the auto attack and dodge animations interferring with the CA animations.
    I know many of you may think this a stupid reason to stop playing a class... and if still the case a reason to not restart a class... but I play for fun and it was watching these awesome animations that made the Monk class for me... to each their own, eh?
    So, my long winded question is this... does this still happen?
    Thanks for your time.
    Take care.
  2. ARCHIVED-Khaelen Guest

    I've noticed changes in the monk animations too. I thought I was the only crazy person that actually cared about them. But these animations were a big part of why I fell in love with the class.
    There was an old ability called "kick", it was low levelonly. None of the higher level kicks had this animation but it was the most fun to watch and it did involve some of the staff spinning you're talking about.
    Another change was taunt. It used to be a lot more animated with spinning staff and so on. Now its nothing. I specifically always chose a bo staff over any other type of weapon or staff because of the animations but lately it seems she's just whacking stuff over the head with it. The flying and spinning kicks still seem ok.