Missing Scouts / D'Morte crest

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ardrek, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. Ardrek Member

    dungeon: tombs of the night

    grrr... I can't get a single scout to spawn.
    did the whole instance without reading the wiki ... no scouts, just more quests.
    did the whole instance with following the wiki to the letter, no scouts, finished one of the side quests.

    this is starting to get pretty typical for any dungeon I've tried so far. I end up out leveling the zone with more quests than I started with. There never seems to be any flow to the instance, can't get through the door to the upper levels even after killing EVERYTHING in the zone. I even killed above the upper waterfall and below the bottom waterfall. I got the named boss below the bottom waterfall to spawn and everyone was underwater at the time he was killed, no scout.

    I can' t progress the "The D'Morte Family Crest" either since I can't get through the door.
  2. Terein Active Member

    The scouts spawn at the end of ring events, so you may need to kill a couple waves of mobs, EQ2 maps helps a lot for that zone.
  3. Ardrek Member

    ahhh! I was in the wrong zone.... looks exactly the same but scouts don't spawn.