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Message of the day should be

Discussion in 'Lore and Legend Discussion' started by Kenn, Feb 27, 2022.

  1. Kenn Well-Known Member

    1. Lore and Legend Token vendor is on the Great Divide Dock.
    2. Fast travel works.

    Several days into it, and some people still didn't know.
    Siren likes this.
  2. Pharliquin Member

    Hehe and must hail Tradeskill Career Othmir to choose TS. Like Old style EQ. Target hit H.
    Rosyposy, Siren and Kenn like this.
  3. Denmum Developer

    The tradeskill career counselor is being fixed tomorrow.

    The L&L token vendor information is actually on the token in the vain hopes that players examine it when they can't find the vendor. :D
    Siren and Breanna like this.
  4. MightyMeaghan Well-Known Member

    LOL you know that's not how we operate.
    Denmum likes this.
  5. Kenn Well-Known Member

    I did see that the information was on the token after someone told me, but so many tokens have no useful information that no one actually looks. lol
  6. Denmum Developer

    Heh, I'm a fan of putting helpful information on things, and added the examine info during beta because players kept asking about him. :D
    Breanna likes this.