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merchants den 2 & challege tweaks request

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Xavion, May 31, 2022.

  1. Xavion Well-Known Member

    den2 regular
    • Slow down "claret collector" spawning they spawn way too fast and lower dps groups spend 90% of the fight just trying to keep them down just to try and do any form a reasonable dps to the boss or nerf the mit or max hp on them abit.The stun/stiffle/mez etc doesnt even seem to last very long if at all to the adds to really make the stacks staying down even useful for more then 3 seconds and even with no stacks boss takes forever
    • nerf mit on den2 bosses if the entire mit is enlarged by add stacks then this should alot lower then it is atm because low dps groups with 680k pot take ages to kill the boss due to tryin to keep adds in check entire time because they add so much to the already inflated mitigation on bosses
    • separate timers for challenge and regular to be 1day for the den2 regular and 3 days for challege. If any boss is killed in challenge it sets timer to 3days. Vendor at end could have the 3 day cooldown for its wares like crate vendor if thats even a problem

    den2 challenge
    • nerf chaotic leech atm its honestly overtuned the fact is atm people need a raid mount+ full set of 345+resolve gear in every slot just to even heal the zone is insane most players i know don't have the raid mount and are lucky if they even have full 340 in any slots. If it is a challenge then why is it we need basically gear form challenge to do challenge to begin with? most healers i know are barely at 710k pot and are being told you need over 740k+ to even really do anything in there is ridiculous as you basically would have to have gear thats challenge already making the gear in challenge pointless as most bosses drop 350-355 res stuff
    • the zone needs to be separated into its own thing for love of god please its a nightmare trying to get people to even want to waste a lockout to attempt challenge when they wanted to save it for a different group or even do regular den2 cause they are saving den2 regular for a challenge group elsewhere.
    Twyla likes this.
  2. Chrol Developer

    It's not currently possible to apply separate lockout timers based on actions done within a zone, and right now we don't have the time to separate the Heroic II and Challenge zones.

    Regarding Chaotic Leech in Challenge (and Heroic II), it has been reduced slightly, and Heroic II boss mitigations and health have also just been reduced.
    Vlkodlak and Twyla like this.
  3. AvenElonis Well-Known Member

    Yeah guess that.

    Will see Sat night if the Chaotic Leech was reduced enough or not and will let you know what we see.
  4. Ohhno Member

    I wanted to bring attention to this again. I get the not having time to separate challenge from regular Den II, but the reset time is frustrating. People are just unwilling to do regular Den II to help their guildies/friends who haven't had a chance to really go through it and get the gear/no-trade collection items because it locks them from doing Challenge as well. I think most get that the gear from Challenge needs more than a day, but three days is making it so people have to choose between their own progression doing challenge with those who are capable, and helping the rest of their friends / guild mates that are not. Lowering it to two days would help a lot. A two day lockout isn't too bad for giving a bit more flexibility.
    Jinksie likes this.
  5. Bludd Well-Known Member

    i assume den 2 will be changed to 18h lockout next gu but who knows!
  6. Naughty New Member

    Scouts still destroying Mages in Den2 challenge mode(mainly on spider fight)? I'm also hearing Tanks with way less stats are almost beating Sorcerers . Although Summoners using Scout pets are doing great. This true boo?
  7. Riverbear Active Member

    Chaotic Leech is a prime negative-game-experience enhancer.
    The official reason for it's implementation is even worse.
    Thank goodness there is a way to render Chaotic Leech null and void!
    (actually just grind CL into insignificance with a proper application of prowess)
    That's right.
    Any healer can deal with it if they know what to do.
    I'll be counting the weeks until They figure it out & apply the nerf-bat, ..................Got Pop-corn?
    Be well! :) ;)

  8. Chrol Developer

    Will be an 18 hour lockout for the GU.
  9. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    boo lol
  10. Bludd Well-Known Member

    why boo?
  11. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    Doesn't even matter now... zone is done in 20 mins now.. so its just a 20 min rotation of running it and making plat lol.. real reason why people wanted 18 hr lock-outs is to lessen the time it takes to max the four coins (of course after most are almost done) and to sell items lol... maj'dul everyday now.. that auction channel is hot.
  12. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    How are people still getting away with starting bids of 50 Million? You'd think at this point that demand would drop down and other people might be able to start getting them for less.
    Twyla likes this.
  13. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    Lol. Not sure. I give the final chest away every time I run the zone. Price is paid goes to first tell, pants usually still go quickly, and of course the charm. I just simply put in auction, first tell and have open timer.
  14. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    Enough people still want them, just depends on time of day(even if its for alts). This goes back to the bigger economy problem. 50 million is pocket change for a chunk of people(while being unreasonable high for others). As long as the people who its pocket change for still want them they will be able to go for 50[ocassionaly they get bid up but most often I see the charms getting 1 bid and going for that]. However last weekend I saw one go for 1 billion somehow(someone started an SLR as soon as that one finished and only got their min bid for it).
    I know for my group anything under 50 million really isn't worth the time to sell, unless its like the last thing we are doing, so the last couple times we've had an extra one just given the whole chest to first tell from auction. But less than that not being worth the time to sell is a boat many groups are in, and in that case the min won't drop they'll just quit selling.