Melee Damage, Mystic or Warden

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Meleemadness, Feb 27, 2023.

  1. Meleemadness New Member

    I know this is a silly question but I never get to the end game before creating a new alt. As such, I solo a lot, almost exclusively. I also prefer melee over spells and that is why I like both Warden and Mystic because I understand they can turn some of their spells into melee attacks via AA points. So, my question would be which of the two does more damage? I'm thinking they are probably equal in survivability. Thanks in advance!
  2. VeloEQ2 Member

    I should be able to say that Inquisitor is precisely what you are looking for but sadly the class has fallen so low in terms of usefulness the majority of people don’t even consider it as an option
  3. DENSER Well-Known Member

    having played mystic on the live, doing the solos for the weeklies, it was done, without problem, obviously less effective than other classes. ascension spells having a good part . In vov so, idk how's mystic dps is now in ror
  4. Loke Member

    Warden will be much more effective at soloing. Warden pet does considerably more damage than mystic pet which basically does none. Wardens have a powerful damage shield they can run 100% of the time. Comparing combat arts between the two is probably a wash as is healing, at least in solo zones.

    If you do decide you want to group at some point mystic will likely have an easier time getting a spot in groups and especially raids due to their vastly superior buffs.