Marketplace Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Thordalf, Jul 21, 2020.

  1. Deckerd Smeckerd Active Member

    Why don’t you let people buy features that allows them to customize sound effects of their characters, vehicles, abilities, and spells, canned phrases that occur at specific moments like death or leveling up.

    There is a whole untapped market because most cosmetics, maybe all of them, focus visuals. For the right price, perhaps hardcore gamers could record their own, but that comes with additional costs associated with proofing them. It might still be cheaper than hiring professionals to record a great enough diversity of phrases.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Heh, that's a thought! :D

    It can be confusing, though, especially for those of us who have multiple houses; if any of them are prestige, our address for the selling crate will show up in the Broker list, even if our rent hasn't been topped off, and if we ourselves don't recall where the Crates are... I've tried to put my Crates just in my prestige places, but that limits my buyers to those who can access those cities, if the houses aren't Published (mine rarely are, unless it's for a House Swap event).

    who still thinks seriously about making a main toon's house on each server be the "warehouse" for everyone else's Sales Crates, and loading up that house with rent-reducing Treasure Hoards...
    Xillean, Rosyposy, Breanna and 2 others like this.
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    And some of those pros aren't around any more; I hope they recorded everything they wanted for Lucan D'Lere... :(

    Breanna and Geroblue like this.
  4. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    I try to publish one house per toon for sales crate purposes. I try to give it a theme based on the crafting profession of the toon.
    I get lost in houses that have multiple character's crates in them, so I don't do it. XD
  5. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I would pay... a bit, for more prestige houses to let me have a mount, and a flying mount zone in the prestige houses... So, I didn't buy one today, as the ones I wanted to be able to fly in; like the I think Panda area, and the Researcher's Tower; no flying. Even though the Mei something house should have flying. I can have a mount in the Researcher's tower. But can't fly.

  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    There are some you can; can't recall which atm. Sadly, the Personal Planetarium (which is gorgeous, and goes up for like miles) is not one of them, and if any of them needed it and could handle flapping wings, it'd be that one. :-/

    Geroblue, Rosyposy and Breanna like this.
  7. Hartsmith Well-Known Member

    Although not published (usually), my tailor's prestige house is decorated with dozens of mannequins displaying appearance only outfits. The shop itself is set up in the Abandoned Castle Loft or Tower from the Marketplace, with each floor focusing on a different theme; romantic/Erolissi, Heroes Fest, Frostfell, etc. and misc. down by the docks.
    What I've never gotten any feedback on is whether or not the Magic Mouth's gave clear enough directions to find the Vendor Crates. (though it has been a long time {years} since I've kept up to date on outfits and supplies). But I do agree it is more fun and less confusing when each vendor type is located in house decorated with a matching theme.
    Breanna likes this.
  8. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I have Tinkers, Rum Runners, Felwithe, Deep Water, Mara Estate, Mistmoor Craig Estates, Manors of Erollisi Raven's Roost, Timerous Deep Lower
    Tenaments, Timourous deep Terrace Standards, and Personal Grotto. Along with a number of different Inn rooms. All in Qeynos.

    I wanted to get something new. I tried some of the ones I checked years ago, no changes though.
  9. Hartsmith Well-Known Member

    Storm Tower Isle, Vale of Halfpint Delight, Tinker's Isle, Teneborous, both Estates of Unrest, Rum Runner's Cove, Snowy Dwelling and Isle of Refuge are all prestige homes on the market that you can fly in on your mount. The Mara Estate and Tinkerer's place from the Panda's summer quests both allow flying, too. Probably others but I'd have to go in the game to figure out which ones.

    I agree, Hua Mein Retreat really would have been better if you could fly in it. Same with Felwithe. Most of the time when I am decorating, I find myself wishing I could fly to get a better view while figuring out where I want to put things.

    Wonder if they would consider creating a quest that was similar to the one Fae and Arasai do when they learn how to fly without a mount (Xegony's Blessing), but accessible by everyone. Maybe the goal would be to decorate Xegony's temple, but they have to learn how to shrink themselves so they can fly indoors. Call it Xegony's Smile, LOL.
  10. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I use the teleport pads for long places to run, etc. but its not the same as having a flying mount that can fly in the prestige homes.

    Vale of Halfpint Delight could be several islands instead of two. Maybe with a hill on one, with a path leading up like in Tinker's Isle.

    Mistmoore Craig Estates would also be nice to fly in. Those high ceilings, a character should be able to get up there without having to build stairs.

    And the ones with a balcony, we should be able to fly down to the rocky shore, etc. and build/decorate down there.
  11. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Most places with balconies, sadly, even in game, have "walls" around the balconies that require a break-out to access any other areas, even ones we can see from the balcony. :(

    I did find a work-around, at least for both Qeynos and Freeport SIX-room places (this also works in Neriak; not sure about other cities [EDIT: The 3 other cities, New Halas, Gorowyn, and Kelethin, do have balconies, but all "outside the windows" {New Halas's "backyard" beyond the balcony can't be accessed by going on a roof} and no real way to work around them other than via break-out coordinates, but at least it can be done that way and is pretty sturdy. In anything other than a 6- or 7-room place, though, you take all kinds of chances, since the artists didn't do the "backstage" artwork.]); using a bunch of scaffolding techniques and/or ramps, stairs, etc., get up to the roof. Then go down to the ground (preferably with a Teleport Pad tucked under one arm, after setting a first one up "indoors") via a route anywhere other than the most direct one straight off the balcony railing (if nothing else, if you try straight off the balcony railing in Neriak, you will plummet to a nasty end on the spikes below). If, for instance, the balcony railing is to the North, climb up to a high point and go over to the ground to the South, East, or West. That way, you don't need to number-crunch to get "outdoors," but it's a PitA to get back "indoors" again without having to leave the "house" (and "lands") altogether each time. :-/

    Teleport Pads are your friends. We need to have them available on the Marketplace as well, like we do with the Building Blocks if we miss a City Festival (and even those need the Triangle "Tiles" to be available, imho).

    Rosyposy and Breanna like this.
  12. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    The Thurgadin Prestige would be nice, if I didn't have to walk everywhere.

    But I looked over my spreadsheet, and EQ2 character info, and found an account with all of the characters only having Inn rooms.

    Maj'Dul, characters Ewkohnah and Layanarloh, Felwithe prestige, if anyone wants to contribute an item.

    The unrest house with the maze hedges, you can fly down to the shore, and over the exit gate that goes back to your home city. Apparently whomever drew the map, didn't try it. I could ride the mount up part way, climb a wall, ride again, and climb another wall, then wind up at the ruins outside the gate.

    I suggest a flying mount.
  13. Dusano Matron of Lore and Innovation

    Why this page exists?!!!! Really?!!!! Did any of this many ideas got turned into reality ??? At least 10? Out of 100?!!!!! Why we players need to give suggestio ns that never will became truth because the devs are just like Hollywood nowadays dead on the ideas/fun department.... Why we need to do your dirty work for you!!!!!! Btw this game currency is super expensive on my country and i cancelled my membership long one obvious for me and others that you want lots of money and less working hours while this game once good dies....A SLOW AGONIZING DEATH.......ALONE AND ITS PLAYERS WATCH POWERLESS
  14. Darkzero Member

    Shadow etheral coin pack !
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  15. Almee Well-Known Member

    I rarely use the marketplace anymore due to the lack of sales. And when you have sales you don't send out emails to notify players who might not be currently playing but would love to buy old recipe books, housing, etc. for when they play again.

    And much of your pricing is nuts and discourages a lot of potential sales. I might buy stuff if you had decent sales, which would make the items more reasonable,

    Some of the house items I'd like to see are babies, children, and different kinds of pets. More items for kitchens and baths--especially stoves, sinks, and bathtubs. More sets of furniture. Better lighting. More chairs.

    I'd like to buy elements of older xpacs such as sales chests, recipe books, portals, etc. Better still, offer older collectors and premium xpacs at a huge discount.

    I'd like to be able to buy larger backpacks and crafting potions with bulk discounts (I have over 90 active characters).

    I'd also like to be able to buy individual overseer agents. I didn't have the money to buy 3 premium xpacs, when the overseer quests were added to the game, and the characters on my third account are way behind the characters on my other two accounts as a result.

    And lastly I'd like fewer items to be no-trade or heirloom. Why should it matter to you if players want to sell their marketplace items in game? You are still making real money on the transaction and it allows players with lots of plat, but not much real money, to buy things they might not otherwise be able to get. It literally brings you in a new revenue source.
  16. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I fully agree Almee.

    And the ability to adjust lighting, could even be in definate steps, for interiors. Like Inn rooms, prestige houses, and houses in places like Mara Estates.

    Especially helpful for Nights of the Dead published homes.
    Rosyposy and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  17. Laughing Owl Active Member

    1) would gladly purchase 'shared' Wardrobe slots. Make them 10x (even 20x) more then the 50 DBC for the per character ones, but I would very happily pay that for a row of slots that ALL characters on the account had access to.

    2) Not game changing but major convivences (especially with zoning being one of the things most likely to crash game in my experience).a house item that allows people to 1, bind to it (instead of home city) (so call to home), or 2) get a item, that is a clickly to take you to that house (assuming you have rights). This provides nothing that can't be done at most guild halls and/or by going to Qeynos/Freeport/(New Halas/Gorworyn, yet saves a 'zone' so much less likely to crash and would be very useful for 1) people wiht lots of alts, but shareing a 'main house' and/or even guild/friends to share access to location.

    3) Purchasable: Tokens of Adventure, while still useful (direclty or for appeance, or faction) a lot of older content is trivial to do just time consuming (for example Gathering Obession). I think you would find that there would be a good market for 'Token: Gathering Obsession' that for a reasonable price, 'did the quest line' and gave you the rewards. (much along the way over time getting your epic 2.0 got easier and easier), ;Pay to complete, (especially some of the TS skill lines) I think would be a reasonably strong market and provide no benefit save (time savings). obvioulsy anywhere near 'current' stuff would not be an offering (at present, maybe latest would be PoP (Or pre-PoP). (Heck if need be make it like some of the in game buyable stuff that on the account you have to have completed the quest before it unocks the oken, so you have to do the questline ONCE for real, but then $15 dollars (or whatever) and your next character completes it in a click or three

    4) Modify LoN purchases so an 'unopened' reward can be exchanged back for 80% of cost (adjustable) there are definetly some of the items I would gladly pay for, but payinig the current price for 99% items I will not use, is very frustrating, if option to 'recycle' the unwanted items, would make it alot more likely to buy LoN pakcs. (or a vendor that you can trade unopned items towards a 'fresh' draw

    5)Item to change 'zone in' location in House/home, once placed it become the 'enter' point. Would gladly pay for this and think others would.

    6) An 'All-in-One' teleporters. That can be placed in your house/guild hall, and allow access to any existing portal location. So 1 item can replace the ~50-60ish? 'portal' that currently existing in guild halls.

    7) "purchasable' racial abilities: So no need to play Halfling, Wood-elf, Kerran, Half-elf to have track, but you could BUY Wood Elf training; and unlock 'tack' on that character.

    8) Heirloom depots: Only usable by an account, but allow showing Hierloom items between characters on an account without using up shared bank slots. (HUGE bonus also if Armor / weapon depots where made iand included)

    9) Purchasable "Mercenary Manager" (and Stable Hand), that allows you to check the status of any characters (on your account) training stats (and bonus if able to start new training, though even conveniently checking which ones are running vs done would be worth real world money for me)

    10) Likewise Purchasable 'Agent Manager' that allows you to see if an agent is one another character on your account and/or assign the agent to THAT character, instead of having to put in shared bank, then log in each character and check.

    11) A 'recipe' manager (especially with the new VoV system for recipes), that allows you to check if ANY of your characters know a recipe.

    12) An Device of Activation: That binds to an item, the is a 'on use' item but removes the 'needs to be equipped' if need be, maybe make it only usable out of combat (so can't be used for items that give a limited on combat use ability, without having to actually wear item), but long term buffs, like Earring of the Soltice could be modified to be used from inventory. Not horrible to equip, use, re-equip real item, but betting plenty would pay for convivence of just click item from bag.

    13) Purchasable 'Guide Quests' as some of us have HORRIBLE luck on being available when the guides are on line. Allow us for fee to 'purchase' the various quest style Guide Quests. So you any one can have Newsie bag, our mount, or .... not just the people that are lucky to be on when guide is on. (though plenty also wouldn't spend that Guide being on and offering would still be popular.

    14) Purchasable Extra AA Profiles (so you can have more then 3)

    15) 'Purchasable' Equipment slots. So you can switch equipment (possible now), but also 'store' the equipment. (so not having to worry about bag space/did you accidently put item in bank)... Even if just a 'second' slot. Would be very very useful for crafters, or even 'raiders vs soloing'

    16) Purchasable Familiar training. You can just 'pay' to train mount/merc but no direct way to pay to level familiar. allow buying levels (or 10,000 (example) exp potions straight out.

    17) Purchasable 'dropped advanced recipes' sets for older expansions as far fewer people run 1-80ish' content new players have hard time getting the dropped books. I am sure lot would pay to get the dropped versions of alot of the recipes. (obviously newer content would have to be earned)

    18) Buyable 'skill increase' most likely to be used along with Tokens... but caps all skills (or buy catagory) so especially token characters, dont need to suddenly get 650 skills up to be at what they should be for their level.

    19) Older items that were part of pre-order, premium/collector edition of expansions, etc that are not direclty available currently. (or that were offered at times as bundles but not currently). Such as the 'Artisan Expertise' items from previous verision Tradeskill tokens...The 'Bol Everportal'

    20) re-usable Exp vials (and ideally a trade skill version also). That you buy and then 'use' (with maybe even long re-use timer 1 week+) but that creates a vial that then can be filled. While the exeiernce point vials are sort of nice to keep from wasting earned exp, as single use items to me, they arent worth the DBC, though would likely 1-2k (a bit more then the 8 packs) for a permenant version, even if limited to once a month use. (admittedly more optics then anything, but real world dollars for a one time 200,000 exp boost, really isnt worth the money, as I could give somebody 200,000 real quick in any lower level instance, or help doing one stage of any 104+ characters sigline

    There a nice round 20 items, of things I would likely spend real world money on, yet not drastically changing the game, just connivances for the most part.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  18. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    You can have as many as you want saved on your computer. Just use the Load option to pull in the one you want.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  19. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I see only 3. Am I not understanding ?
    Breanna and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  20. Hartsmith Well-Known Member

    My very first prestige home was Felwithe, and even back then, I frustratingly wished my fae character could fly up to all the out of reach areas so that I could do more in terms of decorating. Turn those areas at the top of the falls into rooms.
    Love my VoHpD, but it would be super cool if there was a way to merge my island prestige homes into one. I realize that is not ever going to happen, but placing another home's portal out at sea just isn't the same, LOL.
    Agreed, though I understand that when many of those homes were made (Mistmoore, large Gorowyn and New Halas houses), they didn't even have the teleporters that allow characters to break out into the "outside" zones. So the outside area environments were only ever designed for appearance. It would probably be more work than a game this old can afford to devote staff to in order to make those areas player character ready, sadly. Really bums me out that my sarnak cannot swim in the ocean under the Gorowyn docks below the official balcony of that house.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.