Marketplace Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Thordalf, Jul 21, 2020.

  1. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Yes, indeed, absolutely! Why was it taken away in the first place (we can still buy existing items on it [right??? Oh, we better be able to... EDIT: Okay, whew :)], but nothing new will be accepted)? Not profitable enough? Too much room being taken up on those servers, to the point where server rent (and SOE/DBG/etc. couldn't've just bought servers? dunno how all that works) wasn't being paid by the revenue for it? :(

  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    After that tirade, I have a suggestion for items, and I for one hope that this particular one I have in mind won't just be on the Marketplace, but throughout the City Festivals and even possibly Carpenter recipes, but since we can only get Burnished Metal building blocks off the Marketplace (siiggghhhh...), it fits here. ;->

    Square columns. Like the plain, smooth, no-fancy-stuff-added Tall Columns and Short Columns, but instead of being a simple circle in cross-section, these would be a simple square in cross-section. Yep, in Burnished Metal. And all the other building block materials, through all the other access channels for those. ;->

    But more germane to the Marketplace building block suggestions, could we please also get Triangle Tiles (c'mon, devs, they're Triangle Blocks, just admit it; they're super thick, but at least they can be made to lie flat, so thanks for that! :D) in all the materials, all the Marbles, Metal, Ice, and Wood? And the various cut-outs in the various Dividers for windows, etc.? We'll still go to the City Festivals, we mean it; there are any number of other Local Specialties we really can't get anywhere else, but when you're running up a deadline and need some building blocks and time is money but you have way more of the latter, it would be splendid to be able to just hit the Marketplace and grab something needed. :)

  3. Muffincookie Active Member

    Some questions you can ask yourself are:
    • Do you use the Marketplace? If so, how often?
    • I use it alot, I love looking at appreance items and mounts.
    • Is the user interface organized in a way where it's easy to find what you're looking for?
    • Yes, so far its ok.
    • Are there features you’d like to see added to the Marketplace?
    • I like fluff so, I would like to see more Heritage armor. And maybe buyable haristyles. Id love to get a big fluffy ponytale like the Highelf female has.
    • Is the Marketplace window easy to find?
    • Sure, np!
    More appreanceitems if the only thing Im looking for on the marketplace. Better looking robes. Maybe a way to "mark" favourite items that you plan to buy later?
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Ah, like a "Wishlist" kind of thing? That would be cool; I use the Marketplace mostly for Housing stuff, but it would be great to be able to click on my Wishlist tab and head straight to what I'm needing right off the bat! :)

    Not sure how it could work without logging into something, though... :-/ I leave that to folks who know far more about such things than I.

    Geroblue and Breanna like this.
  5. LDEffectsMe Active Member

    Can we please have the "Twisted Dwarven Heart of the Underfoot Axe Ornament" from the EverQuest Marketplace added to the EverQuest 2 Marketplace as a 2H Weapon option? That axe is amazing and it would help fill a much needed (in my opinion) gap in the missing 2H Axe Cosmetics. (Special bonus request is to test and make sure that it doesn't clip into tails, please.)

    Plus, great bonus is you already have a HD model in-house. :D

    Hartay and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  6. kyrin99 New Member

    Yes, I use the Marketplace. I check it almost daily. I have noticed that some former preorder items are available there as in the pet monkey, the Queen Antonia statue, items like that. I would request that you make the Burynai Digger available for purchase. I would love to have this item. Thank you.
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Also check the Loyalty Merchants for things like that, especially if you're a full-fledged Member (some things there aren't available for F2P folks :-/)! Many's the "no longer available" things that have turned up there in the past, and are still there. :)

    Geroblue likes this.
  8. Moonpanther Well-Known Member

    Yes! I remember the excitement waiting for the new items to show so I could purchase more house items. The marketplace now is well ,,,, really not that interesting for me. I still buy from player studio, but the main offerings really don't have anything I need or want.
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Now that we're getting the recipe books from the old expacs available (thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, DEVS! :D), can we see what's IN the books, please? And the new Forgotten Furniture books? Examine doesn't work on any of them, although the expac books I've actually gotten through buying the expacs do have an Examine option. :-/

    C'mon, devs; you're based in southern California, for cryin' out loud; you know how we Californians get about not being able to see what we're buying (trick question; the answer is: cranky)... ;->

  10. Tanto Done, finished, gone.

    I'm surprised there isn't more of a cross-over between the EQ1 and EQ2 appearance and house items in the marketplace. Imagine the variety you'd have if they could effectively combine the two? A little retexture here and there (I'm sure it's 1000% more complicated than that but hey), and you're good, no?
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  11. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member



    Now I know what I'd been forgetting all this time as a suggestion...we can buy "missing" building blocks on the Marketplace if we fail to get them from the requisite City Festival (except for Triangle "Tiles" [= Blocks] and the Frames; still, it's immensely useful), why not the same for Teleportation Pads? :)

    Or at least, make them Tradeable... X-P

    Ruua, Breanna and Geroblue like this.
  12. Kenn Well-Known Member

    How about, we get to spend in-game plat for tokens that we can use to buy certain things from the marketplace. Well, you know since people have millions of plat the inflation is out of site. Might as well have something to get rid of the plat.
  13. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Plat sinks! Brilliant! :D

    But yeah, there'd have to be a limit on that, though? :-/ Can't be used to buy expacs or whatever...hmm.

    OOH! I know!! Let us use such tokens on things IN THE VAULT!!! Those lovely house items that have been locked away for whatever peculiar reason for way too long!! :D

    Rosyposy, Breanna, Kenn and 1 other person like this.
  14. Kenn Well-Known Member

    I like that idea for house items and maybe some live event stuff from years ago. They could make two unique outfits. The highest bidder gets to pick the first outfit and the the second outfit goes to a random bidder that is in the to 70%. Blind bids. This way Daybreak doesn't have to spend a huge amount, just make two server unique costumes. All the losers, their money automatically gets turned into the tokens to buy those house items or other stuff.
  15. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    I just saw a chicken familiar and I would LOVE to get plushies and house pets in a variety of colors. Maybe even eggs (I normally hate blind boxes, but as someone who has chickens and an incubator IRL, blind box eggs makes sense. lol) on the market place, also available as a pack of one dozen? =P
    I just love that lil chicken familiar! The Player made chickens are perfect for setting hens, but animated ones would be a lovely and welcome addition. ^_^
  16. Hiraeth New Member

    I would love to see more appearance items, especially hair styles. The hair choices for older races is really something else, and not in a good way. I'd gladly pay for more choices.

    I'd also like to see more unique appearance clothing/armors.
  17. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    Bring all the Rogue Gallery mercs out of the vault, please! Now that the 2-pack is no longer offered as one of the monthly "in lieu of DBC" items, there is NO way to get the older mercs.
  18. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Can't remember if I suggested it here earlier or not, but here goes...

    If we can't help pay a stranger's rent (stranger = we don't have Trustee or even Friend level for them) for a week once per character (ours; only once so folks don't get used to it ;->) as part of the Housing and Leaderboards default (or Broker; how many times have we tried to go to a person's house to get a discount, only to find they haven't paid their rent, but that's not indicated because they have one or more Prestige Houses?), why not sell us Tokens to enable us to do that? That way, the only limit on it could be our Station Cash... ;->

    Griffon Lady, Geroblue and Breanna like this.
  19. Hartsmith Well-Known Member

    I like your idea of being able to allow anyone to pay at least one week of rent (better yet, just one day if it is just to access vendor).
    Though, honestly the burden should be on the player posting to the broker as to ensuring rent is paid for as long as any items are on the broker. Perhaps a penalty that charges the seller for the city tax instead of the buyer having to pay it when prevented from entering wherever the broker bin is located.
  20. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    I've been begging for that in feedback since we stopped having to be online and in our inn room to sell!