Manaburn overnerfed, now worthless

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Khun, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. Khun New Member


    First I’d like to say it’s acceptable that MB was nerfed. The problem is it now does less damage on average than an ice comet- and takes twice as long to cast and drains mana.

    MB is now no longer even worth using for dps, solo grouped or in raid. Wizard is not the most interesting class to play, and our unique class-defining ability has now been nerfed through the ground. Equal geared wizards now parse equal or less than several other classes that provide a great deal of utility, debuffs, or ability to solo.

    I understand MB was never intended to take potency into account, but throughout eq2’s illustrious past it’s always been our flagship; class-defining ability. With all the balancing and gear tweaks, MB just doesn’t cut it anymore. It barely scales with gear now. The difference between all +100 stat gear and +70 gear is per piece of equipment (30*9*4, which is about 1k). So full raid gear over treasured junk will give a wizard about 20k more damage on MB. All abilities scale with multipliers except this ability now, making it unusable.

    I know wizards still perform well, but their dps is outclasses by classes who have more utility. The fun of playing a wizard is dramatically dumbed down without having a big ability to count on and time.

    Please consider making an adjustment to MB to make it more viable. It doesn’t need to be broken OP like before, but it absolutely should not be worthless. This was an extreme nerf, and i think the wizards in this community deserve better.
  2. Beee Well-Known Member

    Removing potency from a spell or ability should only be a quickhack-fix - not a solution. (even on TLE Servers)
  3. Maledicere Member

    That's a nice opinion, but I think if you want to convince anyone of anything you need to show parses, before and after.

    What I've read from people in the top two raiding guilds is that wizards still top the parse over other dps classes. Keep in mind that is with pet damage being increased as well. So while you might be able to convince me with hard numbers that manaburn needs to be boosted in some way, there are several other abilities that need to be nerfed.

    Also stating that wizards lack utility and can't solo is insanely incorrect. Wizards can solo heroic ^^^ without problem and have since low levels.

    I have to say it's really disturbing that the biggest complaint is that mobs die too quickly, gear stats are far too inflated and yet the moment dps drops just a little for any class, people are foaming at the mouth.
  4. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    I mean thing about it, assassin's might parse a little* bit more until TSO AA's come out but you gotta remember we are dominant in AOE, can hit mobs from 50+ meters away on fights you have to joust on and still have lots of damage.

    I'm all for Manaburn being at least somewhat useful, right now it's absolutely useless, the skill should at least have a payoff for the huge requirement it puts on the wizard/the raid keeping the buff to do as much as it does.

    I was beating/tieing with the assassin on the zonewide with manaburn but actually was a few thousand higher because of icelash/ro's blade as far as "outgoing" damage goes.

    The fact that wizard's win in fights that assassin's need to joust, and fights that last over a decent amount of time is good balance. The issue is no fights really have either of these aspects to them currently, which is an issue with game design.

    Assassin's get noxious enfeeblement, which is now useless because it wasn't reworked once crit mit was removed which is horrible compared to thunderclap. Touch of the nightshade pales in comparison to hailstorm, and the overall wizard shadows tree is better than any other dps class sans warlock, which is pretty balanced with the wizard.

    Same thing with SF AA's, Blast of devestation is basically fusion, fiery blast is gonna be even stronger than manaburn was because it double casts (lol, idk why this ability hasn't been changed to just a potency multiplier or something at this point), and assassin's get PFT and shadow step.

    The assassin in my guild gets realistically every buff in game he can possibly get with the exception of Bolster, has 1k+ ABmod over me, more potency, and is doing this on content that he doesn't have to joust out of and is getting all of his spike damage like mortal blade and assassinate.

    If fights last over a decent amount of time in TSO, and we are given the same gear/buffs I think the wizard will still come out on top depending on the player/skill.

    One thing that is absolutely bonkers right now for scouts is auto attack, it's kinda ridiculous people are parsing 10k+ with just auto attack and the fact that 500+ dps mod is required to actually go above the "cap".
  5. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

  6. Lejoni New Member

    Ok someone wanted parse. Here is 2 parses, same type of mob same combat time. First one I used Manaburn with bolster second one no Manaburn no bolster. (I am Tremer a Wizard obv. Others I changed to name of there class to protect their privacy.)

    (00:35) an Immortal soldier: 219045 Tremere-Manaburn-140 674
    Beast | 21332
    Treme | 19491
    Conju | 18688

    (00:35) an Immortal soldier: 219198 Tremere-Ice Comet-76 866
    Beast | 23612
    Treme | 19772
    Coerc | 18514
  7. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    Post your breakdown, when your manaburn hits for that low you could of easily had an encounter (especially with the soldiers) where you hit firestorm, fusion, glacial wind with certain procs up to damage both of the mobs in the encounter which allowed you to keep up with the manaburn damage.

    On my 30 second parses manaburn vs no manaburn is the difference between a 70-90k parse on the first named in shard of hate and a 50k one.
  8. Lejoni New Member

    I selected thouse two fights cus it was the only MB I was bolstered for.
    Here are 2 fights with only one mob in each one. One with Manaburn without bolster. And one without manaburn.
    And I have included the breakdown of my spells.

    (00:26) a ruinic guardian: 199893 Tremere-Manaburn-115 093
    Beast | 18430
    Treme | 16293
    Coerc | 14841
    All                423 630  16 293,46  5 166,22    511      334      115 093  All      82    82      100,00  96%    0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Manaburn          115 093  4 426,65  115 093,00  115 093  115 093  115 093  heat      1    1      100,00  0%    -                     
    Ball of Fire      84 230  3 239,62  28 076,67  25 504  25 198  33 528  heat      3    3      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Ice Comet          72 796  2 799,85  72 796,00  72 796  72 796  72 796  heat      1    1      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    crush              58 198  2 238,38  4 849,83    4 891    3 908    6 302    crushing  12    12      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Frost Spikes      21 756  836,77    7 252,00    6 373    6 337    9 046    cold      3    3      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Magma Chamber      20 525  789,42    20 525,00  20 525  20 525  20 525  heat      1    1      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Immolation        13 872  533,54    13 872,00  13 872  13 872  13 872  heat      1    1      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Flametongue        10 104  388,62    421,00      431      362      511      heat      24    24      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Flame Surge        7 047    271,04    391,50      400      334      461      heat      18    18      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Dissonant Note    6 170    237,31    2 056,67    2 179    1 648    2 343    mental    3    3      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Ice Spears        5 299    203,81    757,00      692      645      1 015    cold      7    7      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Blade Chime        4 136    159,08    1 034,00    1 013    871      1 288    disease  4    4      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Flay              2 449    94,19      1 224,50    1 379    1 070    1 379    heat      2    2      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Fire of Intellect  1 955    75,19      977,50      1 005    950      1 005    heat      2    2      100,00  0%    -                     
    (00:22) a ruinic guardian: 231936 Tremere-Ice Comet-71 183
    Beast | 22705
    Treme | 18985
    Coerc | 18357
    All                    417 665  18 984,77  5 093,48  2 124  385    71 183  All      82    82      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Ice Comet              71 183  3 235,59  71 183,00  71 183  71 183  71 183  cold      1    1      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Ball of Fire            66 780  3 035,45  22 260,00  23 242  17 357  26 181  cold      3    3      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    crush                  57 916  2 632,55  4 826,33  4 892  3 759  5 771  crushing  12    12      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Rays of Disintegration  42 378  1 926,27  42 378,00  42 378  42 378  42 378  cold      1    1      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Storming Tempest        34 041  1 547,32  8 510,25  6 878  6 257  14 577  cold      4    4      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Magma Chamber          25 687  1 167,59  25 687,00  25 687  25 687  25 687  cold      1    1      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Frost Spikes            24 243  1 101,95  8 081,00  8 576  6 561  9 106  cold      3    3      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Precise Note            21 881  994,59    2 431,22  2 443  1 814  2 678  mental    9    9      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Ice Lash                18 372  835,09    2 041,33  2 070  1 776  2 402  cold      9    9      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Immolation              16 175  735,23    5 391,67  1 779  1 509  12 887  cold      3    3      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Ice Spears              10 946  497,55    1 824,33  926    678    6 824  cold      6    6      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Incinerate              8 515    387,05    1 216,43  895    716    3 435  cold      7    7      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Dissonant Note          6 317    287,14    2 105,67  2 124  2 057  2 136  mental    3    3      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Flametongue            5 381    244,59    413,92    407    385    457    cold      13    13      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Blade Chime            5 255    238,86    1 051,00  1 073  938    1 112  disease  5    5      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M 
    Flay                    2 595    117,95    1 297,50  1 346  1 249  1 346  cold      2    2      100,00  100%  0,0%L - 0,0%F - 0,0%M  
  9. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    I see, the non MB one you hit storming tempest, ice lash, and rays instead of manaburn apparently, while inefficient to not prioritize those abilities over something like immolation and magma chamber, your manaburn still just isn't high enough to make a difference clearly.
  10. Khun New Member

    Yeah, I have some pretty concrete data showing how badly MB was nerfed.

    I have 2 runs of veksar ran on 7/20/18 and 7/23/18 where my respective zonewide DPS were 18K (with 13% Manaburn) and 16K (with 13% Manaburn).

    Then after the nerf, on 7/24/18 I ran Veksar twice with a zonewide DPS of 12K (3% Manaburn) and 13K (2% Manaburn).

    The nerf literally cut my DPS down by roughly 30%. Manaburn went from being 13% of my DPS to 2-3%. Magma 'freakin' Chamber outparses Manaburn now.

    Please fix manaburn so it has some viability. Maybe scale it with half of potency, or make it hit for 6 instead of 4... something!

    (picture of parses in next message)
  11. Khun New Member

    *Here are the 4 parses I mentioned, in order (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right):*
  12. Lejoni New Member

    It's impossible to find 2 parses with and without manaburn that would be a total apples to apples comparison.
    But it should be clear to any reasonable person that manaburn was nerfed to hard.
    Imo. it should not have been nerfed, as CF was and still is the true problem. If nerfing manaburn was the only option, they should simply have put a temporary cap to how much potency could affect MB say 150-200?

    Manaburn will still be beneficial to a Wizard with poor gear. But as soon as the Wizard gets that potency and Crit up manaburn will fall behind. For me personally I would say if I get Bolster and Necro power buff and a smoth power recovery (ie. Overclocked Manastone not failing.) Then MB would just about gain me a little dps for that fight.
    While no power buffs and slow regain of power would totally kill my dps for that fight.

    In short, MB at least for me is already not worth casting. But even if you have a Wizard that always get Bolster and necro buff whenever they want, MB will become totally useless for them as well in TSO.
    Khun likes this.
  13. Khun New Member

    Daybreak Staff - Can you look into my concern about wizards? Our class was gimped with the manaburn nerf, are there any expectations manaburn will be tweaked to be viable again? We aren't asking for much, just for our main ability to have purpose again. Please respond,
  14. Papablaze Member

    Main ability ehhhh, it's an AA despite it being quite good. Wizards are still parsing 35--40k, can't really sit here and comfortably say they aren't viable when they are still well above t2 dps.
  15. Fistpower Well-Known Member

    Wizard are still very much T1 DPS but they lost their press 2 win button every few minutes.

    Good change.
  16. Khun New Member

    All the other T1 dps classes have a press 2 win button every few minutes except us now. We are now performing less than all other T1 dps classes, and all the other T1 dps have good debuffs, we have zero utility. There needs to be some counter-balance. Like I said before, I'm not asking for a completely broken OP manaburn, just make it viable to use, it currently is less DPS using it than not using it, which can't be intended. They broke the ability completely.
  17. Zendi New Member

    I heard the nerf got reversed in latest patch? True or no?
  18. Lejoni New Member

    Nothing about it in patch notes. And without that I can't be bothered specing in to MB again.
  19. Lejoni New Member

    Saw another Wizard use MB and the nerf is still very much in place.
  20. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    I mean, I was parsing 32k on the VP zonewide without manaburn, this is including everything, silverwing, taskmaster, xygoz, etc. I did 40k one time but that was with bolsters/manaburn, so I bet I could still push 35k with bolster, and still technically beat blindsides which was 37.5k with silverwing post manaburn nerf if you include our utility like ice lash, ro's blade, etc.