Macro help please.

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Kristabella, Oct 25, 2020.

  1. Kristabella Well-Known Member

    I know how to make a macro. What I need to know is how to know what spells I can and can't macro together. What goes with what?

    Is there any way to tell, or is there a guide on this. I only find guides on how to make a macro, now what I can macro together.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    You can put two spells in a macro. You can also have command lines, like /tell %T cured you!

    What you put in macros depends on what you need. For example:

    The /cancel_spellcast is in there because you want that cure to happen quick.

    You can get fancier. I may set up a macro for each member of my group. There's instructions in there that prevent me from targeting the person's pet, if they have one, then return to whatever I had targeted before. Nowadays this isn't as critical, because if you use a custom UI such as DarqUI (which I highly recommend) you have five programmable spell buttons beside the name of every group and raid member, so you don't have to fiddle with the targeting stuff.
  3. Nazy Well-Known Member

    Is it possible to macro things to someone's pet?
    Triad likes this.
  4. Kristabella Well-Known Member

    So, does it matter if you put two things together with the same timer, will it only hit the one and never the other? I am trying to clean up my hot bars, and maybe macro a few things I can use together, so I can get rid of a few of them.
    Breanna likes this.
  5. Adept Active Member

    Since I play multiple accounts at once I set up socials and set it to button 1 so that on my two computers fights go
    On computer 1 push button 1, push button 1, push button 1, push button 1 etc
    On computer 2 .. see computer 1 :)

    My experience with macros / socials
    /target_group_member 1 seems to act like a toggle so I use
    /target_none followed by
    /target_group_member 1 (or 2 or 3 etc)
    I often use /follow in socials at times

    For targeting pets I have always given pets unique names and just used /target petsname however thanks to Sigrdrifa above I have learnt something new about pet targeting today :D

    With socials it seems to cast the 1st line in the macro AND the last line in the same press and then as spells/actions are on cooldown it will work its way down the list thus I use /clearallqueuedabilities as the last line on the macro to force it to only work its way down the list top to bottom to force it to follow my priorities on activation/casting.

    Also while a social only casts two spells/abilities at a press instantaneous things like /target or /follow or /invite etc seem to work with the 1 press and happen straight away regardless of where they are positioned in the social (so /target character 1, /cast, /target character 2, /cast actually works as /target character 2, /cast, /cast (ie it targets character 1 but then, as an instant action, it immediately moves on to target character 2 before casting)
    You can however use the Target field (see the ward example above - it shows a target field) and put a targets name there if you want to cast a spell on specific characters or pet, alas you need to use a name, you cannot use /target in that field.

    I use the slowest recast but more powerful/essential spells at top of the list and work the way down to faster recast spells (if you put fast recast at the top it will never work its way down to the lower spells/abilities in the macro)

    Not sure about the question "...what spells I can and can't macro together" since as far as understand you can macro any and all spells. I tend to have my healers target my tank (/target_group_member 0) - their buffs and heals impact the tank and their damage spells will still impact on the mob 'targeting through' the tank. If I was to be grouping with other people (pretty damn rare) I would /assist tank rather than /target the tank so that heals would land on whoever the mob is targeting.

    You can add more than just spells to the macro for example with Wayward Manor I drag the Bottle of Screaming Flames to the end of my social so that it always casts as soon as it refreshes
    Nazy likes this.
  6. Kristabella Well-Known Member

    Ahhh thank you all so much, this clears up a LOT!!!!!! TYTY
  7. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    The wiki has the basic targeting commands:

    But there are many more. has an extensive list, but not tons syntax info or exactly what each does. Toggle are usually either OFF/ON or 0/1:
    • targetitem %u
    • targetitem %u %u
    • targetpc %u
    • target_allow_pet_member_toggle
    • target_allow_pet_self_toggle
    • target_group_member 0
    • target_group_member 1
    • target_group_member 2
    • target_group_member 3
    • target_group_member 4
    • target_group_pet 0
    • target_group_pet 1
    • target_group_pet 2
    • target_group_pet 3
    • target_group_pet 4
    • target_nearest_npc
    • target_nearest_pc
    • target_next_encounter_npc
    • target_next_npc
    • target_none
    • target_pet
    • target_previous
    • target_prev_encounter_npc
    • target_prev_npc
    • target_self
    Torvglaani and Nazy like this.
  8. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Sure. You'd use a command line target command, then whatever spell.
  9. The Fonz Active Member

    You can put a hell of a lot more than 2 spells in a macro. An important thing to remember is that it casts in this order:1, last, 2, 3, 4... So I typically put something in the last spot that wont cast such as fishing. Bulking up a bunch of attacks on a single macro is typically why you would want more on a single macro. Also, you can add "pet attack" as the first Command in a macro to send a pet in, as its instant, and secondly, put any insta casts at the top of the macro.
  10. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Only two spells will execute at a time (excluding instacasts, those aren't counted for some reason).

    People who stack all their stuff in one macro like this are almost certainly not making the best use of their potential. Things change in fights, your cast order changes to meet the new challenge.
  11. The Fonz Active Member

    You can stack more than that. You need to click the button multiple times (excluding instants) just like you need to do with 2 spells. I think what confuses people is the order in which they are executed. If you have 5 spells on macro it will cast them 1, 5, 2, 3, 4. provided that none of the re-use timers have reset.