Luclin Landscaping Weekly Quests...

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Kristabella, May 9, 2020.

  1. Kristabella Well-Known Member

    Two weeks ago it took me until the Wednesday after getting the quests, to complete them. I had to camp 8 of them to get them. Last week same thing Wednesday. This Weeks so far it's Saturday and I have still only gotten 1 in the blinding and 1 in the Wracklands. I have even logged on at 4am to get these nameds to complete the quests, to no avail.

    Yesterday in the Wracklands there was one person at each spawn site waiting for them to pop. Yes I have asked to join them in waiting sometimes they let me sometimes they just don't answer, and I am not gonna sit there and try to get it while they been spawn camping it.

    It would help with these quests, if you made it so you can get a new weekly quest one week after you actually completed it, instead of on the same day every week. This would stagger it, so everyone is not looking at the same time. If you can't do that, then speed up the respawn time, the first 2 days, so more people get them and move on.
    Nausea likes this.
  2. Nausea New Member

    I have to second this, I came back to this game a week ago and I haven't seen a single named mob in the overland zones.
  3. Nausea New Member

    All right, I've spent some time camping now and noticed something peculiar. In two instances now I've seen players come up to where I was camping, mere seconds before the named spawn, before I can even whisper or invite them they begin spamming AOEs and kill the named in less than 5 seconds. In one case the mob didn't physically appear until it was already dead. The mobs in the Wracklands appear to be on a 60 minute respawn and that seems excessive.
  4. Adept Active Member

    On AB its rare that I have noticed any of the overland bosses being camped. I tend to check the zone for the bosses when I do the daily and I would see them up often enough that there was no issue getting the weekly kill mission completed.

    I suspect one of the issues is lack of BOL content means that people reach for the low hanging fruit, ie checking for and killing overland bosses, especially people like me who do not do heroics, raid or even get to do PQ's (none occurring in my time zone)

    A couple of times when I tried camping a boss I also experienced someone swoop in instantly when it spawned, kill it, and vanish without so much as a by your leave. Rude people /shakes fist at them. Not even sure that EQ2 has a concept of 'camped' in the way that EQ1 did.

    A few times I have observed some toons camping at a boss mob location, with the boss mob actually up, and when I sent them a tell to ask them if they were killing it the quick response was, "Yes, when it spawns." Uhmmm it's a GIANT STONE ELEMENTAL, RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, staring you in the eyes right now! Cough. So then the dilemma, if it appears to be camped but its not being killed is it inconsiderate to swoop in and kill or do I respect their camp. Decisions decisions.
  5. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    When you kill the overland named, you go into a "time out" where you won't see the mob for a certain period of time. Even when standing right in front of it.
    Rosyposy and Adept like this.
  6. Adept Active Member

    Did not know that, good information thanks Xianthia
    Xianthia likes this.
  7. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    You're welcome. Although, not sure how long it is. Maybe someone has that information and will share.