Love Chaser title from the Commonlands Heart's a Flutter race.

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Brewmyst, Feb 15, 2019.

  1. Brewmyst Well-Known Member

    Since the race was taken out this year for the PQ, is there any way to get that title for chrs that haven't gotten it before? I have at least a third of my chrs with the title, but there's a bunch that don't have it. And I know there are some folks that are completionists..
  2. Loresinger Active Member

    Run the Antonica race five times, I think that should give you the title. I did get the title just from running Antonica races this year, so it is still available.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Finora Well-Known Member

    The Antonica race has it's own title. Heart Racer I think it is. As far as I know there is no way to get Love Chaser this year.
  4. Brewmyst Well-Known Member

    each of those holiday races in Ant/CL had different titles for the different zones.
    Cyrrena and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    If they move the Commonlands race over to Enchanted Lands next year (which I hope they do; they could move the Evils' petal collection third over to Gorowyn, the Sarnak probably wouldn't mind...would smell better than all those Ales and whatnot they already have for Brewday :D), hopefully they'll make the CL title applicable for EL. ;->

  6. Loresinger Active Member

    Oh, oops! I thought there was one single title that you got after completing the race in both zones. Must be thinking of another event or just misremembering. Too bad it was removed, then. Maybe for next year they will fix that.
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Let's hope so! :)

    Kaitheel, Cyrrena and Breanna like this.
  8. Juraiya Well-Known Member

    You're thinking of "On Wings of Love", the achievement you can get for getting a score of 110 in either race. There's no title involved with that, just the achievement itself.
    Cyrrena and Breanna like this.
  9. Juraiya Well-Known Member

    Iirc, the two titles together refer to a Joan Jett song, don't they?
    Breanna likes this.