Lore on woads/markings

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Arkantos, Nov 19, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Arkantos Guest

    Is there any lore information on woads or markings for races? Looking for info to use in bio. Like the woad for barbarians - Bonds of the Hammer.
  2. ARCHIVED-Kamimura Guest

    Sorry, only know the story of Erudite markings. In short the factions of Erudites made up, built a tower/temple thing, had some sort of weird magic explosion one day, and ta da, new looks. There is a Kerra in Freeport who tells the whole story a little better than that. :smileytongue:

    Only thing I know of barbarian markings is that they've had various markings from the times of EQL at least. Maybe it is just a tribal thing?
  3. ARCHIVED-FallingByTheWayside Guest

    Sort of reminds ya of the Zabrak in Star Wars Galaxies.... they never say anything about where theTattoos come from, much less the Zabrak themselves :smileytongue:
  4. ARCHIVED-Simion Guest

    I am currently RPing that wode on a barbarian is like a childhood to manhood right of passage; the wode indicated that the barbarian has passed some kind of test. My barbarian has no wode due to his disdain of the barbarian race, so he neglected going through the ritual, and quite frankly, happy he never went through it. :manhappy:\

    Blessings and Honor,