Looking to start my Mythical quest line but where is the info?

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-hessin, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-hessin Guest

    So I have been slowly making my way twords level 80 and thinking about my mythical weapon. Seems like there is a lack of info on the quest and where/what I need to start it. I was hoping one of you higher level guys could post a walk through for those of us just making it into this tier. Any help would be appriecated. Thanks…
  2. ARCHIVED-TalisX1 Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-hessin Guest

    ooo. Guess i should have looked a little harder. Thanks for the link...
  4. ARCHIVED-ajrm007 Guest

    you start your epic in the East Freeport Inn, look above the fireplace, you will see a dagger, click it to get your epic quest :)