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Looking for a casual guild on Crushbone

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Polychrome, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Polychrome Member

    Hi. Looking for a guild for my main on Crushbone. (Policroma)

    I am returning after a long hiatus and am trying to get back up to spec. My character is a Fae enchanter in her late 70s. I'd like to find a casual enough guild that won't mind my incessant chatter and questions as I poke through the new content. (Not the CoE stuff that's new to everyone, but other things I've missed.)

    Due to weird work hours, juggling other MMOs, and a little one, I cannot commit to raiding times but I enjoy it if I happen to be on for the night when one is up. (Aion has taught me the fun of pick-up-raids. ;) )

    If you'd like to have me, note Policroma.
  2. Valaran New Member


    We would be glad to have you in the guild Champions of Norrath on the Crushbone server and are a pretty casual guild. We love alts and playing back through older content fairly often. Hit me up (Valaran) or Jassel the other guild leader tonight or the next night you are in and we will answer any questions about the guild and if you feel it is fit we will get you all joined up.
  3. NavalAircrewman New Member


    Sorry to post on here as well, but i just discovered this free to play MMO and im also on Crushbone server, i have vent, TS3 and im looking for a guild to help me learn in, please message me in game, my name in the same as my forum name. Thank you
  4. Valaran New Member

    I haven't had any luck getting a tell to either of you when I have been on. Policroma your email is full to so I can't reply :)
    I will try and get back in touch with next Monday as I won't be on much with the Thanksgiving Day and following weekend.

  5. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Poly, the majority of the EQ2 population never come to the forums. When you are online, Hit "U" to bring up the guild window, and it will list guilds that are recruiting. You probably want a family style guild at least at the moment.

    The very best way to select a guild is to pay attention to the guild tags of people with whom you talk in channels, encounter in the wild, or with whom you group. People who are helpful in public chat are probably going to be helpful in guild.

    Ask questions and check out the guild before you join. Sure, you can always leave a guild, but you can avoid angst and negativity by getting your facts up front.

    • Ask about guild ranks and how one advances (if this is important to you).
    • Ask about exactly what accesses to guild hall amenities you will have if they are divvied up by rank. (For example, our 1st level recruits can't wear the guild cloak or buy status mounts, but it's absurdly easy to get to second level, just contribute 5000 status to the guild, which one can do with a few crafting or adventuring writs. I put this in place because it was annoying to have someone join the guild for 15 minutes to buy a horse then poof.) If there are certain guildhall amenities you really want, be sure they have them!
    • Ask closely about guild rules. If there is a guild rule that you have to chip in 5 plat to the guild bank each week, better to know this up front. If there are guild rules about loot distribution in groups or raids, go over them carefully and make sure they're something that won't make you unhappy later. Surprisingly, some TINY very casual guilds have long lists of extensive rules, possibly because the leader thinks he or she is Napoleon.
    • Group with some of the members of the guild before you join a few times. If they're fun to group with, you are more likely to enjoy the guild. You can do /who all guildname to find the members that aren't anonymous. So, if you are on Crushbone and you want to see if there's anyone on from Legends of the Tundra, you could put /who all tundra and get us.
    A guild is a great resource, when it's a good fit for your playtime and playstyle!

    You're welcome to check out Legends, though we're pretty quiet at the moment. But please, check around and find great people that will make you have good times in your playtime.