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Look and Feel

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by ttobey, May 6, 2015.

  1. Gkarx Member

    was watching a youtube of a bison rancher and it accurd to me that we havent had any anything related to bison/buffalo at least none that i can think of . its probably to late but it would be cool to have that for the next expansion? and why havent we? just not thought of? or some other reason? heck i would pay dbc for a couple of appearance out fits for my mystic.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Heh! :D Heck, it's been awhile now, but there was a time we didn't even have regular cows in EQ2; all our Milk for recipes had to come from like mammoths and mastodons and woolly rhinos, o my (apparently; I think you could buy it from the Fuel Sellers even back then, but where did they get it from...?). The tricky bit, of course, was to get a big enough bucket, and make sure your hands were warm :-/

    Yeah, I agree; we do have a limited ecosystem, especially for big plains critters. We have lions, rhinos, and elephants in The Commonlands (so what the heck do the lions eat? No wonder they're aggro all the time; hungry kitties! :( At least the ones in Thundering Steppes have antelope and giant beetles, etc.), and even in The Forest Ruins, the wolves will occasionally kill deer here and there, but just leave the carcass and wait for tastier (?) adventurers to come along? :-/

    who believes that not all (or any) octopodes should be automatically aggro; that's not how they are in RL
    GrunEQ, Cyrrena and Geroblue like this.
  3. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    *lurks into the thread just to show Ttobey he is never really safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
  4. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    Oh you have been missing for awhile, there's new rules here. No hyjinx or shenanigans..
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Ignore him, Cy! Welcome back! :D

    Cyrrena and Breanna like this.
  6. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I no canna undererstand ya ttobey ! Hawaii !

    Backups checked and loaded.
  7. Arandar Well-Known Member

    Players. That's what they eat. Tender, juicy, young players.
  8. Hartay Keeper of the Server Hamsters

    The road trip bus must of broke down. Tends to happen when it's chalked full of chainmail wearing ogres and ratongas.
  9. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    I have been animating new herd animals in lately. New deer, sheep, stuff like that.
    Cyrrena, Twyla, Geroblue and 4 others like this.
  10. Sturmlocke Linux enthusiast playing EQ2 via Proton.

    Now this is something that I really look forward to. Nice! Love having more types of animals, especially if they move in herds.

  11. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Can we get those for our farms? :D The sheep, at least, though there are game farms in RL in the world... ;->

    Cyrrena, Twyla, Breanna and 2 others like this.
  12. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    I think you made those rules up before and we ignored them!!
  13. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    Thank you Uwk... Its been a long time coming but here I am!!!!
  14. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    Bison/Buffalo are herd animals!!! And we need more cows!!!
    Breanna and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  15. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    Yes, the last road trip killed the bus and it has taken me a very long time to repair it, but I may host a short Frostfell Road Trip!!!
  16. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Howdy !

    ( Not sure how I forget to say that when someone shows back up. }

    My apologies.
  17. Hartay Keeper of the Server Hamsters

    Beep beep! The bus is here! All aboard, destination: crazy town! :eek:
  18. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    but we where on a submarine last time, and on an Airship to get over to the old world.
    ttobey tried to blow all up, he fell down into the ocean and we had to rescue him.

    I tried to start a trip to sunken cities around the world but he tried to sink the submarine he was still inside.
    Geoblue came to the rescue.
  19. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Aoogaah ! Submarine surface !

    Yes, we have no platinum today, hurray ? And a stagecoach to Earth's Moon.
  20. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    This is breaking the rules.
    Hartay, Cyrrena, Breanna and 2 others like this.