Location of Serpent Sewer in Freeport?

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-goladen, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-goladen Guest

    Can someone give me some directions on how to find this zone? I'm familair with the Thieves Way zone entrance into Freeport sewers but not Serpent's. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    Have a good day all :)
  2. ARCHIVED-Kleitos Guest

    Enter the Thieves Way from Big Bend and head north, on your left before you reach the right turn should be a grate that leads you to Serpent Sewers.

    ...and don't drink the water
  3. ARCHIVED-Tspesh Guest

    Look for a greate in the wall near the Big Bend zone in area.. If you zone in from big bend and run down the hallway it will be on your left.
  4. ARCHIVED-goladen Guest

    Thanks, folks!

    Have a good day all :)