List of dropped Spawners

Discussion in 'Dungeon Maker' started by ARCHIVED-Afista, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Skandragon Guest

  2. ARCHIVED-Irgun Guest

    Djinn Firemaster activator from first mob in Pools - confirmed - got it after the 7th run or so

    Any easier way to pick up everything then go through the list above, print it out, enter a dungeon, cross out what we have, exit dungeon, then hit the broker to find the missing items?
  4. ARCHIVED-Dalannae Guest

    NITROX-UANG wrote:
    nope you might want to /feedback and request do the same with them that they have done with spells and recipies. letting us knwo we have them before we buy them or loot them.
  5. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    NITROX-UANG wrote:
    Yes, just lookup your character at
  6. ARCHIVED-faydh Guest

    I have all the reported dropped Boss Spawners but Boss: emperor Fyst.
    Been running DFC cleaning it from top to bottom. 2 times mentored but no sign of this guy.
    Can anyone confirm he is real?

    EDIT: Just ran it again. Only boss drop i saw this time were [Orc-Crushbone (Paladin)] from the bridge leaving DFC, however this is not Fyst.
    I still would very much like a confirmation or disclaimer to the existence of a Fyst Boss

    EDIT: NM i can see on EQ2U that Fyst is NOT a boss spawner
  7. ARCHIVED-Skandragon Guest has a complete list of spawners. Just search for a character, and click on "dungeon maker items" -- and you'll see all that the character has.
    The info is updated about once every 2 hours after you last zoned, so don't expect real time feeds. :)